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Self-confidence and giving things a go

A lorikeet reaches for a leaf

I recently volunteered to do some performing to push myself out of my comfort zone and weeks before the day, I’m already nervous and having doubts.

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What brings me joy

This week is mental health awareness week and we have been asked to write something in line with the prompt ‘what brings you joy’.

[Read more about What brings me joy]

Breaking the loneliness spiral

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about loneliness. I've also been thinking about its antidote: vulnerability.

[Read more about Breaking the loneliness spiral]

Eating well and savouring

Since I gave birth to my little one, I can’t recall having a meal I have savoured fully. I’ve had a few meals out with family and friends, mid-morning coffees with colleagues at work, and indulged in a couple of delicious take-away meals delivered to my door. I think eating well isn’t purely just about what you’re eating, but it’s also about the how.

[Read more about Eating well and savouring]

The stories we tell ourselves

We think we have such a good idea of what is real. I’m not so sure that’s even true most of the time.

[Read more about The stories we tell ourselves]

What brings me joy?

My home in summer always brings me joy. It is warm and safe and the garden is always full of fresh produce. I look forward to going home and spending time there every year.

[Read more about What brings me joy?]

It's going to be okay :)

A ball with a smiley face on it floats optimistically in water.

There’s a meme where someone says that their favourite conspiracy theory is that everything is going to be okay.

[Read more about It's going to be okay :)]

What brings me joy?

This week (10-17 October) is Mental Health Awareness Week at Adelaide Uni, and I've been thinking about joy. 

[Read more about What brings me joy?]

What brings me joy

Quiet joy

Oh my gosh, so very many things. Where do I start? My daughter brings me tremendous joy, so does spending time with family and friends. Then there are dolphins, diving, dancing, dawn and dusk, dessert, doctoral thesis writing, down time curled up reading a book. Just thinking of all the people and passions that bring me joy elicits the joyous feeling. It also makes me feel very grateful, which then reinforces the nice, happy feelings again. Thinking about joyful things quickly improves one’s mood, especially during difficult and stressful times.

[Read more about What brings me joy]

I miss you

I’m folding my socks right now, and it struck me that I really miss someone.

[Read more about I miss you]