What brings me joy?

Why my home brings me joy?聽

My home brings me joy because it is a聽place that I associate with family and lots of memories. I look forward to returning home every year.聽It is always a time that I hold a bit of nostalgia towards. I get to see my family, we have Christmas, eat good food, I work the cherry picking season and do lots of swimming and it always passes in the blink of an eye. If I聽were to boil it down to three key reasons why my home brings me joy they would be; the food, my family and our animals and the cherry picking season.聽

The food

The food at home is always great. My mum and dad used to own a small cafe and mum has been cooking her whole life. What's better then that, she always has an array of fresh home grown produce to use. My dad's huge garden brings in fresh basil, tomatoes, asparagus, herbs, zucchini and all manner of other seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables. It really is the best food in the world!聽

My family and pets

Since myself and brothers are all off at university and my mum and dad are busy working, being home in the Summer聽is one of the few times when we are all together. It is great for all of us to be home. As well as being back with my family, I am also back with all of our pets. My dog Tilly, our cockatiels Floyde and Wennis, and our fish and our chickens. All of our animals bring about the nostalgia that I feel for聽my home.聽

The cherry season聽

Every year for the past five years I have worked as a fruit picker picking cherries. I always eat loads of cherries and feel physically tired at the end of each day. I somehow oddly enjoy the the early mornings and exhaustion and the physicality of the work. I also love the swim I do every day after picking and the warmth of the summer sun.聽

Tagged in joy, What messes with your head