I miss you

I’m folding my socks right now, and it struck me that I really miss someone.

I don’t know why folding my socks made me think of them, I know that’s a little bit strange. It’s not that I associate people with washing and socks. I think the reason is because I didn’t imagine that life would still continue on in such a mundane way without them in it. For some reason, I didn’t think that there’d still be chores, or quiet weekends, or hearing conversations coming over the neighbours fence. I didn’t think everything would continue on just the same.

Because the last time we caught up, I didn’t think it would be the last time. I didn’t appreciate that spending time with someone was something special. I thought that was just a standard thing, like expecting a house to have a roof.

But here we are… well, here I am. Folding socks.

I don’t want my memories of them to just fade away. So I thought I’d take a moment to spend some time remembering the times I spent with that person, and thinking about what I’d have to say to them if they were in front of me.

I’m really glad that I got to spend the moments I did with them. They always got a smile out of me. I’ve found I don’t click with everyone, so it was nice to have someone around like that. There were some really good times. I could get wrapped up in finding mistakes I made, but I think I’m happy overall with how life was.

I’d have a lot of questions for them: Did you wander what I’d get up to when you weren’t around? What are your memories of me? Where are you now?

If I could only say one thing though, it wouldn’t be a question. I’d just want to say: I miss you.

Tagged in What messes with your head