News: Student life

Starting a club

Finding a consistent, fun and engagement community through a club at university is hard work. So why not make your own!

[Read more about Starting a club]

A sense of possibility

Sometimes I wonder if all I need in life is a sense of possibility. Sometimes I enjoy looking forward to things more than I enjoy the things themselves. 

[Read more about A sense of possibility]

Selling yourself

I am in the process of applying for some scholarships and job opportunities that require third-party recommendations or references.

[Read more about Selling yourself]

Compassion fatigue

Read on for why I'm feeling fatigued...

[Read more about Compassion fatigue]

Why does life require so much admin?

One of the things about adulthood that still shocks me is the sheer amount of 'life admin' required just to survive and function in society. 

[Read more about Why does life require so much admin? ]

Losing things

I lost something really valuable to me: my student health and wellbeing keep cup.

[Read more about Losing things]

Frosty winter

Winter is well and truly here. How do I know? The cold is seeping into my bones. 

[Read more about Frosty winter]

How owning a pet can improve wellbeing

About a month ago, I adopted a cat, and ever since, my wellbeing has improved immensely. Here's why.

[Read more about How owning a pet can improve wellbeing]

Childhood photos

Helping Mum with a big clean out and to my shock we stumble across some old funny/embarrassing childhood photos. 

[Read more about Childhood photos]

Soaking up the sunny days of winter

Restrictions seem to be quickly easing now but it’s also not quite into the ‘next normal’ yet.

[Read more about Soaking up the sunny days of winter]

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