
Here’s what I learned from the recent podcast on how to combat microaggressions.

*You can listen to the full podcast episode produced by the American Psychological Association . Don’t forget you can always talk to someone from the uni’s Counselling Support team.

In recent times, people have been talking a lot about something called ‘microaggressions’. These are small actions or words that show bias or unfairness towards certain groups, often by accident. They can harm a person's physical and mental health and keep stereotypes and unfairness going. Dr. Derald Wing Sue, who's an expert in studying microaggressions, has shared some important ideas about this.

Microaggressions can come in different forms. Some are done on purpose, while others happen without people realizing it. They can target someone because of their race, gender, who they love, a disability, and more. What makes them tricky is that the people who do them usually don't notice, which makes it hard to deal with.

Living with lots of microaggressions can have serious effects. It can make people feel more anxious, sad, and less mentally healthy. It can also make it tough for them to do well in uni or at work and can lead to inequalities in life. Dealing with microaggressions can be tough, but it's essential to make our communities fairer and more welcoming. Dr. Sue reminds us that even though it might feel uncomfortable, addressing these issues is a crucial part of making positive changes.

The podcast discusses some strategies in confronting these microaggressions through ‘microinterventions’. (You can listen to the full podcast episode produced by the American Psychological Association .) Dr. Sue suggests that you can always get support from people you feel safe with. You can also talk it out with one of the amazing people from our uni’s Counselling Support team.

Tagged in What messes with your head, podcast, mental health