Speedy sources for wellbeing

Young male holding his phone with earphones in at a train station

As much as I want to take care of myself and learn how I can keep my mental heatlh in tip-top shape, I seldom set the time aside for myself to actually do the research.

We've all got commitments, we've all got assignments, we've all got exams. I know the importance of self-care and understanding how my brain and body work but I never feel like I have the energy or time to sit and look at a bunch of different online resources. I love a quick five or ten minute video that I can multi-task to, particularly when they're explained in a way that's easy for me to understand without too much fancy terminology. I also love a good studygram (study + Instagram) page that makes quick-tip posts for me to scroll through and save for future reference.

Here are some of my favourite quick-fix accounts and channels that I like to refer to for a short break, while I'm on the train or while I'm tidying up my workspace so I don't feel the need to break my work flow. It really helps remind me what healthy habits I can be implementing whilst I hustle!


Reels for quick motivation, resources, smarter-not-harder study methods ('' really worked for me), and many more!


Posts on productivity, routine (), school-life balance and other wellbeing topics!


5-minute bullet-point videos on relationships, growth, social life and many mental health topics (听is a fascinating one)!


Lots of topics with lots of perspectives on mental health and what you can be doing to switch your thinking around('' has a lot of great points).

Have you got a go-to account or channel to share?

Tagged in What messes with your head, mental health, health week