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Best of: Martin Scorsese films

In case you missed it, Martin Scorsese’s new film, The Irishman—about the Buffalino crime family and their connection to infamous Teamster Jimmy Hoffa—landed on Netflix on the 27th of November after a limited cinema release.

[Read more about Best of: Martin Scorsese films]

Of success and supportive workplaces: wellbeing in the workplace

I’ve nearly finished transcribing 12 hours of audio-recorded information, which will form the data corpus for my next couple of studies. I am examining the broad area of equality and overcoming barriers in the workplace from a psychological perspective. The data discusses issues from workplace flexibility for everyone through to gender pay gaps. I have to admit, listening and recording all the data has made me reflect on my own personal experiences in the various workplaces I have been in, most especially the ones I have been fortunate enough to be a part of this year.

[Read more about Of success and supportive workplaces: wellbeing in the workplace]

Where to live?

As 2019 draws to a close, and I’m as unorganised as ever, I rapidly need to decide on where I’m going to live. Everyone is different, but there are a few key things I want in my accommodation.

[Read more about Where to live?]

Squashing the idea of the dream job

I recently read Sascha’s blog post on ‘, and I have some musings of my own I’d like to share.

[Read more about Squashing the idea of the dream job]

How do you deal with disappointment?

It can be hard when things don’t go to plan, or don’t go your way. It’s all well and good to have high hopes and dreams, but when they don’t turn out, how do you deal with it? It can be a real knock and can put you off taking similar risks in the future.

[Read more about How do you deal with disappointment?]

Bed time routine

I am the type of person who needs at least 8 hours of sleep a night. I have tried to survive the day on 7 hours or less, and I become a cranky mess by 3PM. Every time.

[Read more about Bed time routine]


I just submitted my last assignment, for my last course, for my whole degree. That’s it. It’s done.

[Read more about Done]

House mates: Episode 7 - The exam grumpies

Everything is always changing. The exam grumpies have gripped the house hold.  Another year is drawing to a close and everyone seems to go there separate ways, but it’s not over yet!

[Read more about House mates: Episode 7 - The exam grumpies]

Post-exam void

Exams are all done. I am free. So free in fact, I have no idea what to do…

[Read more about Post-exam void]

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