House mates: Episode 7 - The exam grumpies

Everything is always changing. The exam grumpies have gripped the house hold.  Another year is drawing to a close and everyone seems to go there separate ways, but it’s not over yet!

We’re now over the exam grumpies and the tiring period, and we’ve still got our early Christmas and one more birthday to look forward to in the share house. Unfortunately, the exam grumpies are inevitable. No matter what, if you live in a house with students and you all have a stressful busy time of year at the same time, it is going to wear everyone down. People get too busy to clean up messes (I’m going to put my hand up as guilty for that one), people can’t go to as many activities or go out as much (I’m going to put my hand up for that one, too), and no-one has as much time for each other (*slowly raises hand*), but as long as you keep working together and putting up with each other, you’ll get past that period, and now here we are.

The exam grumpies have come and gone. We all finished our exams and we actually think we did fairly well. So, now all that’s left is to finish the year off with a big celebration. I think that’s something nice you can do as a University student. You’re all in the same boat. Stressed, tired, and holding out for a break. So when that break finally comes, you are surrounded by a group of people who have been looking forward to it just as much as you.

So when you’re done with your exams, get out and get celebrating. The little things and the big things—there’s always a reason to celebrate.

Tagged in Student life