News: writing

Fresh starts

listening to music on headphones

My first blog piece for 2022 – quite exciting but also a bit daunting.

[Read more about Fresh starts]

Writing block worries

A writing pad and pen

I am powering through my assignment. I am almost there and then… writing block. I forget what question I am answering, what direction my argument is heading and find myself at a loss of what to do next.

[Read more about Writing block worries ]

Progress not perfection: power through writer’s block

A writing pad and pen

The campus is quieter these days. Most of the students are finishing up with exams and deadlines. I’m not too sure what other HDR students are doing over the breakÌýbut I’ll be writing.

[Read more about Progress not perfection: power through writer’s block]


Finally, I am a published researcher.

[Read more about Infinite]

The pursuit of creativity

The pursuit of creativity isÌýsomething that’s on my mind a lot, perhaps because I can’t seem to integrate creative practices into my life as easily as I’d like.Ìý

[Read more about The pursuit of creativity ]

When was the last time you saw an act of grace?

And whatÌýwas it? ‘I work in an emergency department. There are a thousand tiny acts of grace everyday – every beat of the heart – most unnoticed by the bigger, glossier world, but they add up. In essence, the acts of grace are sometimes barely noticeable as the world rages away in its current state, but they can be seen if you pay enough attention.’

[Read more about When was the last time you saw an act of grace?]

Book reflection: the sense of style – by Steven Pinker

In between all of the reading I have to do for my Ph.D., I intentionally read something a bit more literary. I find that after long bouts of reading academic pieces and re-writing thesis drafts renders me a bit stuck in my writing. I understandably become too bogged down with the data, that I forget that I actually have to be able to effectively communicate my data. My writing becomes robotic and boring, which doesn’t really help in getting people to care about my research or at least get anyone interested in it.

[Read more about Book reflection: the sense of style – by Steven Pinker]

Book reflection: On writing: a memoir of the craft by Stephen King

I’m not really a Stephen King fan. To be completely honest, I’ve seen the films but I don’t think I’ve read any of his novels.

[Read more about Book reflection: On writing: a memoir of the craft by Stephen King]

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