News: Student life

Movie review time

movie cinema screen and seats

After finally finding a spare moment this semester, I decided to kick start my holiday’s with watching Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings in cinemas. And boy, it did not disappoint one bit.

[Read more about Movie review time]

Student employment experiences

I think we underestimate how difficult it is to study and work (plus get work experience, volunteer, join on campus clubs, maintain a social life, have time for hobbies, cook and the list goes on)!

[Read more about Student employment experiences]

The internship 2: I got the job!

Photo by <a href="">Avel Chuklanov</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

As some of you may know, if you've read my first 'The Internship" blog post, I have had the amazing opportunity to be apart of the Career Trackers program. If you haven't read my first blog I'll fill you in anyway...

[Read more about The internship 2: I got the job! ]

On education

Graduation rocks

I love springtime graduations. The rest of the campus is quiet and slow but as you walk closer to The Hub and Bonython Hall, a buzz of love, happiness and pride resonates.

[Read more about On education]

Participating in NSS Survey

person undertaking a survey

Last week I received an email to complete the 2021 National Student Safety Survey. Initially I was perplexed by this notification, but soon realised the importance of completing this survey.

[Read more about Participating in NSS Survey ]

Hold fast, stay true

Ship at sea

Oh to be out on the open ocean. For now, or at least until I graduate, I’ll have to be satisfied with dreaming of being out in the open ocean again and sailing the seas.

[Read more about Hold fast, stay true]

Socials for instant happiness

Ever feel exhausted from social media? Here are just a few of the Instagram pages that make me feel happy and content, you should follow to feel the same!

[Read more about Socials for instant happiness]

The rise & fall of a uni crush

cookie heart that is broken

It’s early 2020, you’ve just discovered Zoom and it’s you and your baked banana bread against the world. You try to pay attention in your online class, and among the blank screens you discover… you have a crush.

[Read more about The rise & fall of a uni crush]

Semester break plans

A group stand around a campfire

With everything going on this semester and amid all of my commitments, I have forgotten to plan anything for the semester break!

[Read more about Semester break plans]

Cultural shifts & yoga pants

Okay, I have to say that as a full-time student and a part-time employee, I’ve found activewear to be the most convenient style to dress in during the past couple of years.

[Read more about Cultural shifts & yoga pants]

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