News: phd

Office team bonding – keeping together by staying apart

While certain areas in the country, and even places overseas are in lockdown, it is crucial to find ways to keep connected, stay positive, and create new strategies to keep productive at work.

[Read more about Office team bonding – keeping together by staying apart]

Book reflection: On writing: a memoir of the craft by Stephen King

I’m not really a Stephen King fan. To be completely honest, I’ve seen the films but I don’t think I’ve read any of his novels.

[Read more about Book reflection: On writing: a memoir of the craft by Stephen King]

What song would describe your PhD journey?

I’m halfway through mine and my supervisor has very kindly reminded me to pace myself, be kind to myself – the PhD road is a marathon, not a sprint.

[Read more about What song would describe your PhD journey?]

The courageous HDR student

I was very fortunate to have been able to participate in a live, global event this week featuring women in science. Read on for some key strategies highlighted. 

[Read more about The courageous HDR student]

Twitter and the PhD student

Many would say that a PhD journey can feel quite isolating at times and even more so during a pandemic.

[Read more about Twitter and the PhD student]


Why are we so attached to things? Is it proof of our worth, an extension of our competence?

[Read more about Enrich]

Grapefruit, anyone?

Read on for how I've incorporated this beautiful seasonal fruit into my day...

[Read more about Grapefruit, anyone?]

Parallel projects, not multi-tasking

My daughter’s starting day care next month and I find myself wishing she was a newborn again...

[Read more about Parallel projects, not multi-tasking]

Begin again

2020. I think it will be quite easy to remember that 2020 was the year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

[Read more about Begin again]

Productive self-care

I’m loving the neighborhood I moved into. Apart from the wide, tree-lined streets, the proximity to the city and my other friends, the community have been so very warm and welcoming even in the midst of lockdowns. We share an online platform where people are able to check-in with each other and share helpful information (like if anyone is in desperate need of toilet paper, someone is always happy to donate a couple of rolls). We also even take part in fitness challenges while in isolation.

[Read more about Productive self-care]

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