Recent driving revelations

Driving can be a lot of fun. It opens up a lot of doors for travel,聽freedom and independence. This being said, it can also be really dangerous. Here are some of my lessons that I am learning whilst on the road. 聽

Staying alert

Since I got my license, I have been trying really hard to drive well and most importantly, to drive safely. It can be a challenge sometimes. Staying alert can be challenging on the roads, especially after a long period of driving. I always try to make sure that I have had something to eat and that聽I am well hydrated. Funnily enough, I find that I can be much more irritable and more prone to rash decisions when I haven鈥檛 had a good meal. Similarly, remembering to drink enough is crucial to keeping focus. Not only on my assignments and exams but also on the road.

Dealing with other drivers

The road is a busy place. Similar to our everyday lives, there are considerate people about as well as rude and dangerous people. Whilst I haven鈥檛 encountered road rage, I always try to reaffirm myself to never be pressured by another driver. I try to never feel the need to drive faster in wet conditions because there are three or four cars behind me or never feel the need to rush around a corner because someone tooted me for sitting too long. I would much prefer I mildly annoy someone and delay them by thirty seconds than cause an accident and injure myself or others.


Resting is an important, often forgotten task when driving. Even relatively short drives of thirty minutes to an hour can be monotonous and tiring. If I ever find that I am not looking as much or I don鈥檛 feel attentive, I try to safely pull over and have a drink of water, or I go to the grocery store or to fuel up. This helps me stretch my legs and re-enter the drive with refreshed and ready to go.

Road etiquette

Road etiquette always makes me happy. When someone does something nice and considerate to me, it can make my driving experience very positive. This works the other way as well. If I am ever on a long stretch of road, I always try a friendly wave to any passing cars (this may be a bit more of a rural thing). Additionally, if I ever have the time and space to safely let a car into my lane or complete a park, I always try to do so, it can really help people out. 聽

Driving can be scary but, I am slowly becoming more confident and continuously learning to be better and safer.聽

Tagged in stress, What messes with your head, safety