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Easy, Healthy and Cheap

I’m on a little bit of a health kick after having taken the advice to ‘support local small business’ by ordering take away a little too seriously during the first few months of the COVID-19 crisis.

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Australians sound weird

A character (invariably blonde) is introduced in a movie, nothing seems out of the ordinary. Then they start speaking, they sound weird and it makes me frown for a brief second. Realisation dawns, oh they’re Australian!

[Read more about Australians sound weird]

The Responsibility of Art

Should an artist bear any responsibility for what happens when they put their art out into the world?

[Read more about The Responsibility of Art]

Unpopular opinion: I am starting to like mullets

I have always hated mullets. Dirty, grungy haircuts that need to be left behind in the 80’s. Society has moved on and advanced, but are they coming back?

[Read more about Unpopular opinion: I am starting to like mullets]

Looking back at my PhD journey so far – passing on some tips

It’s been back to campus for a lot of students this semester and there’s a renewed vibe and feeling at uni at the moment – it’s great!  It’s been so great in fact that I feel really motivated. I’m only halfway in my candidature, but since it seems like campus has re-opened, I feel like I’m at the beginning again and there’s this chance for a fresh start. I’ve also been seeing more of the other HDRs in my cohort and we have all been reflecting on our first days as a PhD student. Here are some of the things we’ve learned first-hand, but also some of the tips that’s been shared with us.

[Read more about Looking back at my PhD journey so far – passing on some tips]

Recommendation: Schitts Creek

I recently saw an article about a show I have been meaning to get around to watch, Schitts Creek.

[Read more about Recommendation: Schitts Creek]

Should I tackle my HECS debt or save my money?

With increased youth allowance payments and job keeper and job seeker, some people are struggling to get by. However, some may have found themselves with a bit of extra money in the bank, but what to do when it comes to your HECS debt, pay it off or save it?

[Read more about Should I tackle my HECS debt or save my money? ]

What Do We Mean When We Talk About Fate?

I don’t believe in fate, or destiny, or karma. Here's why. 

[Read more about What Do We Mean When We Talk About Fate?]

Indoor plants and why we need them

It’s a simple thing but having indoor plants can make a world of difference.

[Read more about Indoor plants and why we need them]

WYD J.K Rowling

There is a long running debate about whether as a culture consumer, you can separate works of art (whether painting, literature, film, TV, music etc) from the life and views of its creator.

[Read more about WYD J.K Rowling]

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