Living in the moment

Being away from home and re-entering the busy world of university life can be draining, tiring and a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. At times when I鈥檓 feeling a bit flat, I look back over聽old photos in my phone and miss times that have gone by so much. It is sometimes really challenging to reconcile that these events and these moments in your life have passed.

Whilst it is tough to come to terms with the end of some great times with important people in my life, I鈥檓 trying to remember to stay in the moment. It鈥檚 hard to tell myself to appreciate and be glad that I have these memories when in the pit of my stomach and the back of my mind I know no matter what I will never get to relive these moments. Everyone seems to be growing up and everything is changing from the stable shielded childhood I grew up with. One thing I'm trying to do is not to try to forget these feelings but to try and聽live each day as it comes.

So, when remembering聽the good times becomes聽hard and I聽cannot help but miss them, I think about all the things I鈥檓 looking forward to. Christmas with my family, birthdays, seeing friends, making new friends, travelling, learning and even things as simple聽as a walk to the park in the afternoon.

Perhaps the best way to come to grips with the growing number of photos and memories is the knowledge that there鈥檚 always room to make more!

Tagged in mental health, What messes with your head, self-care