Watching more theatre

A red stage curtain.

As an aspiring thespian, I have a huge affinity for the theatre.聽

Over the last week, I've had the pleasure of seeing two amazing theatre performances: one greek adaptation and one musical. Watching good theatre truly makes me happy, yet I know that for many people, the idea of watching a stage show is a foreign experience.

For those who are wanting to get more into theatre, here are some tips.聽

  • Keep updated. The best way to stay notified about what is happening in the Adelaide theatre scene is to like the pages of all the companies on Facebook. is the perfect resource for the Adelaide theatre community, where you can read reviews, hear about auditions, or learn when a show is coming up. They also host a comprehensive listing of all the theatre companies in the state.
  • 叠谤颈苍驳听your friends. The theatre is a communal space. So instead of heading to the cinema, perhaps make the theatre your next outing with friends!
  • Read plays online. There is a whole range of play scripts that are in the public domain now, which can be appreciated online. Websites like are perfect for reading some of the classics, like Chekhov or Wilde.
  • Utilise the internet. Some performances can be watched on YouTube. Of course, it is not the same experience as watching something in-person, but can still bring enjoyment from seeing how certain artists and actors interpret a play. For instance, there are so many hilarious or beautiful stagings of Shakespeare shows which you can find online. Also, if you think you would enjoy a musical, many major musicals have their full soundtracks available on Spotify.

I hope you get to enjoy the power of theatre some time soon! It is a great way to boost your spirits, especially once the rush of semester one is over.

Tagged in What messes with your head, live performance, musical theatre