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Writing block worries

A writing pad and pen

I am powering through my assignment. I am almost there and then… writing block. I forget what question I am answering, what direction my argument is heading and find myself at a loss of what to do next.

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Finding a work-life balance

Person balancing on a log

Sometimes life is really busy. Whether it’s work, uni, social obligations, or a combination of all three, finding a balance between who we are and what we do can be tricky. 

[Read more about Finding a work-life balance]

What does happiness really mean?

Rock pile at Port Willunga beach

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness as something all-encompassing and overwhelming, and also something elusive, often impermanent. 

[Read more about What does happiness really mean?]

Learning to let go of possessions

Desk possessions

I can find it difficult to let go of possessions and things I don’t need. However, I am trying to remember some key things.

[Read more about Learning to let go of possessions]

Of soup and the lasso way


Quite a few of my HDR friends are working through the uni break. A handful of us are working through the chapters of our thesis. I was feeling particularly stressed about all the unwritten chapters I still had to work on. I realised I needed a bit of a break so I organised a catch-up with a few of my peers. We were all keen to watch (starring Jason Sudeikis) together and I made a big batch of soup for everyone.

[Read more about Of soup and the lasso way]

Progress not perfection: power through writer’s block

A writing pad and pen

The campus is quieter these days. Most of the students are finishing up with exams and deadlines. I’m not too sure what other HDR students are doing over the break but I’ll be writing.

[Read more about Progress not perfection: power through writer’s block]

The little things in life

cups of green tea image

Being appreciative of the little things in life are important to ground oneself and serves as a reminder to enjoy any sort of accomplishment (big or small)! Read on for my take on why it's important to remember the small moments in life.

[Read more about The little things in life]

Seeing my nephew for the first time

Baby on laptop

I am now an uncle as strange as that sounds. It was the first time meeting my nephew and there were a few things that surprised me…

[Read more about Seeing my nephew for the first time]

But if you're vegetarian where do you get your protein?


As a vegetarian who rarely eats dairy or eggs, I’d say the most common question I get is about protein. Where do I get it? How much do I have? Is it too much? Is it not enough?

[Read more about But if you're vegetarian where do you get your protein?]

Winter blues

Misty cold mountains

Winter is well and truly here, and it can feel like it lasts a lifetime. I’m trying to find ways to stay positive and motivated when I get hit by the cold weather blues.

[Read more about Winter blues]

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