Group work woes

Urgh! Group work! As always there is at least one group assignment during the semester. This is how I am taking it on.

I’m sure that if you asked the average student their opinion on group work it wouldn’t rate very highly (unless you are that group member that does nothing in which case, I’m sure you love group assignments). Like most, I struggle with group work. I find it difficult to agree on ideas and the direction of an assignment as well as delegating roles and responsibilities.

Get in early

One of the mistakes I always make in group assignments is not getting in early enough. If there is a topic I really want to do or a time that works best, I need to stick my hand up and grab it. This being said, on the rare occasion that I do this I am also often open to concessions. I find myself willing to give up my week or topic or work with others on another topic in order to round out groups and fill the awkward silence when a tutor asks for if anyone ‘’would be willing to change’’. Although I’m not suggesting that I should be an unwavering ruthless student that doesn’t make concessions, I am observing that there is nothing wrong with making changes and sticking up for what I would like. It is as much my education as it is anyone else’s. However, I find it isn’t just about getting in early with what I choose, but also with collaborating with my group. As soon as a topic is set and a group is formed, myself and other group members tend to wait until we can no longer ignore that fact that we haven’t started or worked on anything together. What I am trying to change is this ‘last minute’ mentality. As soon as a group is formed, I need to try reaching out, sharing ideas and setting the expectation that we are all going to consistently work together to the best of our abilities.   

 It is not always fun

It may sound a bit idyllic that everyone will just want to work together and put in the effort if I get in early and in some circumstances it may be. Not everyone has the same attitude towards group work or the same values about getting a higher grade, just passing or hoping to pass. It is at times like this that the balance of work can shift and become unfair. As hard as it may be to view a scenario like this as a ‘glass half full’ I am trying to find the value in learning from group work. It can teach leadership, initiative and perhaps most of all… tolerance.


I know I will find times in life when I will have to work with people that I struggle to work with. People who will get the most out of others and those who need people to get the most out of them. Understanding how to lead and help other and yourself are key.  


I find it takes initiative and forward planning to successfully navigate the challenging world of group work. You have to know what roles and duties will work with different personalities and when to reach out and when to let everyone have some breathing space.


Perhaps my writing this post demonstrates that I need more tolerance but for the most part, I think group work reminds me that being tolerant of others will be crucial when entering the workforce and navigating everyday life. To everyone in the thick of semester one, good luck with your group work.

Tagged in Wellbeing, What messes with your head