Podcast recommendations

I am an avid listener of Podcasts and have blogged previously about some of my favourites. I thought, given we all tend to have some more time on our hands given the social restrictions, it might be good to make a list of some shows that have been making me think, laugh and even just help pass the time in recent months:

ÌýThe Minefield

  • This one is probably for those with an interest in politics and/or philosophy, but is pretty accessible. Hosted by Waleed Aly (of The Project fame) and academic Scott Stevens, each week the show tackles a sometimes timely, other-times random, moral problem or question, attempting to bring such moral problems somewhat more into the everyday, modern life of their listeners. I would recommend for anyone interested in problems, morals, ethics or just trying to think some deep thoughts.

Chat 10 Looks 3

  • Hosted by self-styled ‘ABC fat-cats’ Leigh Sales and Annabel Crabb, Chat 10 Looks 3 is a hilarious half hour. The hosts run down the culture they have been consuming over recent weeks, detouring to talk about current affairs, their lives, families and friendships. I find it is a great way to keep on top of mainstream pop-culture (with a mum-core emphasis ) and usually involves a boost to my mood from hearing the two pretty funny ladies sound off.

Ringer Dish

  • If you’re at all interested in celebrity culture, but are a bit turned off by the really trashy type, then I would suggest this show for you. Part of the Ringer network, hosts Amanda and Juliet take you through the week in celebrity culture, usually bringing a bit more of a nuanced and socially minded perspective than you might find elsewhere. Recently, the show has been grappling with the role of celebrity and, in particular, royal watching in a time of Black Lives Matter and renewed efforts to dismantle structural racism – again bringing some nuance and welcome self-reflection to a crucially important debate.

Pod Save America

  • With the 2020 election fast approaching, the boys (all former Obama White House staffers) of Pod Save America are here to guide you through the ins and outs. Styled as a ‘no bull-sh*t conversation about politics’ the show is extremely accessible and quite fun despite its often serious content. I don’t think you need to be a political obsessive like myself to enjoy it, particularly as all things American politics begins to further enter our mainstream news coverage in the months ahead.

Sydney Writers Festival

  • Even before COVID-19 put a hold on pretty much all public events, most of the talks from recent Sydney Writers Festivals were available via its podcast feed. There are new talks uploaded every week, featuring famous novelists, politicians, academics and celebrities talking about topics ranging from love and sex to populism and beekeeping. There’s really something for everyone here.
Tagged in podcast, Review, What messes with your head