End of term pressures

It's that time of year when another semester is about to bite the dust. Each of my four classes have聽some sort of major assessment/exam coming up聽and I'm starting to feel the pressure. I am feeling overwhelmed, anxious and am procrastinating worse than ever. My calendar is looking full with red crosses and assessment titles. However, it's not just my university study that is making me feel a bit under the pump. The future awaits and with comes a lot of uncertainty. Mix with that my brain reflecting on the first semester and I'm starting to ask what have I really accomplished? What is going to be next?聽

Pressures of the Present

At the moment it's predominately exams and assessments keeping me down but it's also a list of other things such as applying for scholarships and internships and looking for jobs. Presently, I'm looking for ways to get off my butt and just get stuck into what I need to do. Unfortunately, I'm not there yet and and any plans I have for structure and organisation last a day or two and then fizzle and flop. I guess step one is recognising that I need to make some changes.

Pressures from the Past

As the semester draws to a close I'm reflecting on what it is that I've actually accomplished? In my eyes, very little. This semester has gone so fast. I seem to feel this need to have a nice long list of all the things I've done to feel satisfied. One thing I'm finding is that the more I reflect and look back on the year, I actually have done quite a lot, although it doesn't feel like it. I've come home, kept up with my work, been involved in university iso events, celebrated birthdays, gone for walks, read, applied for some things here and there and most importantly improved my cooking.聽

Pressure from the Future

As for the future, it's uncertain. There's a lot going on and not much set in concrete to make decisions. The future isn't going anywhere so I've got to just take a deep breath, calm down not expect things to neatly unfold during these crazy times.聽

狈辞迟别:听If you're feeling uncertain about the current state of flux in the world, you might like to check out this link.

Tagged in Student life, What messes with your head