My favourite small distractions

Distraction is a wonderful thing. Sometimes distraction can be a problem, but I find distraction really useful in small doses. It stops me from dwelling on negative things. If I'm in a bad mood, sometimes a simple distraction will help me to forget what I was grumpy about. At the very least, it's a reprieve from stress.

Here are a few of my favourite small distractions:

  • Light entertainment podcasts. I love listening to friendly people聽chat about non-serious topics that are funny or interesting enough to hold my attention for a while. One of my favourites is聽, which is a fascinating podcast about words and language that is strangely聽calming due to the soothing voice of the host, Helen Zaltzman.聽
  • Cooking something. Focusing on a task that requires my聽full attention and also results in something tasty helps to take my mind off things.聽
  • Social media. I find Instagram and Facebook to be fairly negative for my mental health, so I try to use social media that entertains me and makes me laugh. I like scrolling through Tumblr and (embarrassingly) have recently聽become addicted to TikTok.聽
  • Playing with the dog. Dogs聽frankly couldn't care less about human trials and tribulations. They just want to play, and it's infectious.聽
  • Crosswords. I know crosswords are more of a聽grandpa activity, but they are very satisfying and low-stress. Somehow, even if I'm not doing well on my assignments, I feel just a bit better when I finish my crossword successfully.

What are your favourite healthy distractions?

Tagged in What messes with your head, self-care