R U OK Day

Two cartoons talking and the words ask r u okay?

R U OK day is Australia's National Day of Action, dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, "Are you OK?"

What's on at the ³ÉÈË´óƬ North Terrace campus this year?

  • Write to reconnect activity. Grab one of our postcards and stamps, or letters and write to reconnect with someone you have lost touch with. This might be a friend, family member or past colleague. Prompts available to get you started. If you are stuck for ideas, you can take the letter home and fill it out later. Pop your completed card into the box and our team will ensure it gets posted out. 
  • Have a chat with the amazing staff from Lifeline to learn about the mental health services they provide.
  • Mess-free, mindful sensory clay making activity – students can decorate a vessel with yellow themed clay to take home or gift to a friend.
  • Enjoy a delicious snack and read through some conversation cards on how to ask if you are OK. Donuts and fruit available.
  • Pick up a poster to take back to your office – such as the 4x steps to having a conversation and asking if someone is OK.
  • The student wellbeing team will be set up and available for a friendly chat.

Aside from North Terrace, all students and staff are welcome to visit their nearest event:

  • The Ligertwood building will have food and the 'write to reconnect' activity from 11am. Specific location TBC.
  • Roseworthy campus invites students to join them at the student hub from 12pm - 1pm for food and activities 
  • Waite campus will be running a 'write to reconnect' activity in the student hub from 11:30am the day prior on Wednesday 11th September. On Thursday 12th September, you can grab a free coffee from the Beltana cafe. Just show your ID card at the register. We encourage you to grab a coffee with a new or old friend and have a chat. 

 to help you lend support to a mate or young person in your life who is going through a tough time.

If you find yourself feeling uneasy about how to have a conversation, UoA offers free Mental Health First Aid training to leave you feeling confident and prepared to check in on your mates.  and make a booking by sending an email to mhfa@adelaide.edu.au

4 steps of asking R U OK
Tagged in Mental Health Awareness Month, Mental Health, #wellbeing, wellbeing