UniSuper webcast - Your Financial Wellbeing for First Nations

Group of people sitting on grass while conversing

Join UniSuper's interactive Financial wellbeing for First Nations People webcast. Everyone is welcome – even if you are not a UniSuper member.

Money worries can be exhausting. Join us at our webcast so you can learn the importance of developing a healthy relationship with money and make informed financial decisions to shape your future. 

Join UniSuper on:

Monday 8th July 2024 at 12:30pm (AEST) as they discuss:

  • Understanding spending
  • Managing debt
  • Investment basics
  • Protecting your financial wellbeing, and
  • Retirement planning.

 The webcast is interactive and allows you to submit questions during the presentation. It will be open 15 minutes prior to the start time to allow you to download the presentation pack and view supporting material.

 (Your registration details are kept confidential by UniSuper)

Want to discuss your personal circumstances?
You can speak to one of our super consultants, even if you aren’t a UniSuper member. or call 1800 823 842. 

Tagged in Unisuper, webcast, superannuation, super, financial wellbeing