Timesheet Validator

CAPS requires that all casual timesheets are validated before payment will be made. The timesheet validator is responsible for validating the hours/sessions worked against what is submitted on a casual timesheet.

  • General information

    The timesheet validator is the person who has full oversight of the casual hours/sessions worked. This person can be different to the supervisor.

    Timesheet validation

    Casual staff must submit timesheets through CAPS SSO before theÌýfortnightly deadline. The timesheet validator will then receive an email prompt early on Tuesday morning to log intoÌýÌýand validate the hours/sessions worked against what is submitted on the timesheets; a reminder email may be received on the following day if any timesheets have not yet been validated.

    The timesheet validator is not expected to consider the budget implications of the work claimed as this is authorised at the time that the engagement is approved. Timesheet validators must, however, review exceptions (including overtime, work performed across midnight or on public holidays) and confirm that the work claimed by the casual were in fact undertaken.

    Timesheet push back

    If the work claimed on the timesheet is inaccurate the timesheet validator can push back the timesheet for re-work and resubmission by the casual. The timesheet validator is unable to make any changes to the submitted timesheet.

    Timesheet escalation

    If timesheets are not validated within theÌýdefined timeframe, the validation tasks will escalate to the timesheet validator's supervisor and an email prompt will be sent for each timesheet requiring validation. The supervisor should then validate the timesheet on behalf of the timesheet validator or push it back to the casual for resubmission.

    The following help guides are available to assist with managing timesheets in CAPS:

  • Casual engagement and payment process

    The below diagram shows where the timesheet validation tasks sits within the full CAPS engagement and payment process.

    CAPS Engagement and Payment Process
  • Responsibility

    The responsibilities of the role are as follows:

    • Validate hours/sessions worked against the work claimed on the casual timesheet.
    • Adhere to theÌýTimesheet submission and Validation Deadlines.
    • When validating a timesheet, acknowledge any exception prior to approving the timesheet (e.g., unusual timesheet entries such as work claimed on a public holiday).
    • When going on leave, setup a Temporary Delegation to assign your tasks to another person while you are absent.
    • Where hours/sessions are claimed that exceed the original estimate in the offer or overtime has been incurred, consider discussing this with the person with budget responsibility in the area.
  • Timesheet validation deadlines

    Standard Timeframes depicts the standard 4-week cycle that determines timeframes for submitting and validating casual timesheets in CAPS. Timesheet Validators should familiarise themselves with these timeframes. Visit theÌýTimesheet submission and Validation Deadlines.

  • Temporary delegation

    Temporary delegations can be setup to allow timesheet validation tasks to be actioned by another person in the case of planned/unplanned absences. Timesheet validators are encouraged to use this function pro-actively prior to commencing leave.

    A timesheet validator can temporarily transfer their timesheet validator responsibilities to another person in the following ways:

    • Where the timesheet validator also has formal HR or Finance delegation responsibilities that they are transferring, this can be done using the existing Temporary Delegation eForm.

    For information on how to complete this, please visit theÌýTemporary Delegation Transfer (eForm) website.


    • For Timesheet Validators that do not have any other HR or Finance delegation responsibilities, the temporary timesheet validation re-assignment can occur using the SSO Proxy functionality.

    For information on how to complete this, please view theÌýSSO Delegation (proxy) information sheetÌýorÌýCreate SSO Delegation Request QRG.

    In the case where this was not setup prior to the absence, Hiring Managers are able to setup Temporary Delegation on behalf of another person who has HR and Finance Delegation Responsibilities using theÌýTemporary Delegation eForm – On Behalf of Delegation Holder, so long as the Delegation Holder belongs to the same HR Department as the Hiring Manager. Where there are existing timesheets pending approval these will not automatically reassign when a Temporary Delegation is setup. The timesheet can be actioned by the Supervisor of the original Timesheet Validator, or if this is not suitable, a manual reassignment can be made by the HR Service Centre.

    Note: The Hiring Manager is unable to setup a Temporary Delegation on behalf of a Timesheet Validator using the SSO Proxy function.

  • Guides for timesheet validators