UniSuper webcast - Aged Care considerations

UniSuper Female Focus on Finance

Join UniSuper's Aged Care considerations webcast. Everyone is welcome – even if you’re not a UniSuper member

Like any chapter in your life, preparation can go a long way to ensure you’re emotionally and financially ready for the road ahead. But where do you start when it comes to aged care?

Whether planning for your future or on behalf a loved one, there are many choices to consider. But what should you look for, and what can you expect? It can be a challenging time, and the options can be overwhelming. In this presentation, UniSuper will explore each of the services available; UniSuper will look at government subsidies and break down costs.

This webcast is aimed at those caring for a loved one, or those researching or planning their own options.

UniSuper will discuss:

  • The range of services available
  • Government subsidies and a breakdown of costs
  • Case studies

The webcast will be held on:
8th August, 2023 at 12:30pm

The webcast is interactive and allows you to submit questions during the presentation. It will be open 15 minutes prior to the start time to allow you to download the presentation pack and view supporting material.

(Your registration details are kept confidential by UniSuper)

Want to discuss your personal circumstances?

For support to help get your super sorted you can speak to one of UniSuper's consultants, even if you aren’t a UniSuper member. or call 1800 823 842.Ìý

Tagged in HR, webcast, Unisuper