New online information session - information, instruction and training

Online Offerings

A new online information session has been uploaded to the HSW website.

Information, instruction and training

Course content: It is provided as information to supervisors on the requirements of the HSW handbook chapter and is a guide on how to implement in your area of control specifically in:

  • Understanding the difference between and how to identify when information, instruction and training is required
  • Determining the link between information, instruction and training
  • Ensuring robust and consistent processes are in place to identify, provide and record information, instruction and training
  • Framework around supervision requirements
  • Providing you with information for those who are new to the University or in a newly appointed role as a supervisor

Suitable for: University supervisors

Duration: 40 Minutes

Further information

Should you require further information please contact your local HSW contact.

Tagged in HSW, supervisors, training, online, information, instruction, training