Faculty Business Process for Off Campus Activities

Each faculty has established processes for registering off-campus activities, and forms that are to be used as determined by your risk assessment.

Steps to Ensuring Safe Off-Campus Activities:

  • Determine if your activity meets the definition of an off-campus activity as per ³Ù³ó±ðÌý¹ó´¡²Ï.

    • If yes, proceed to the next step.
    • If unsure, .
  • Determine if your activity requires a Risk AssessmentÌýusing the FAQ and decision tool.

    • If yes, complete the risk assessmentÌýand seek approval as per the matrix on the risk assessmentÌýtool.
    • Review the forms below and implement as appropriate.
  • Register your OCA.

    • Refer to the links below to register your off-campus activity by faculty.

Sciences, Engineering & Technology

Health & Medical Sciences

Arts, Business, Law & Economics

Note: Any questions about the Faculty business process should be directed to your relevant School Business Manager.


For more information on when a check in process may be required, please review theÌýOCA risk Assessment tool.

Activity Details, Itinerary and Call in and missed call in form (to be kept by those involved in the process)

Click to download

Personal details form (to be kept by supervisor only and managed in accordance with The University Privacy Management Plan)

Click to download

Student Health and Safety Information – Work Integrated Learning (WIL) activities (to be kept by supervisor only).

Click to download

For further HSW guidance for Off Campus Activities please refer to the HSW webpage.
