Wellbeing during uni life as an international student

In this free interactive program, batyr will explore how to look after your mental health as an international student.

BATYR@Uni of Adelaide event details

Join us to explore practical ways to navigate the challenges of uni life, deal with feelings of loneliness or isolation, and build hope and connection. We will talk about our 5 tips to look after yourself and your friends, and how reaching out for help can make your uni experience the best it can be.

During the workshop, you鈥檒l hear a personal story from someone with their own lived experience, how they navigated their mental ill-health, and recovered with the support of others.

As it's Mental Health Awareness month, there will also be some g锘縭eat prizes up for grabs to help you look after your wellbeing! Find out more at the session.

Tagged in Mental Health Awareness Month