Adelaide Education Academy New Members

Congratulations to the 7 staff who successfully applied to join the Adelaide Education Academy (AEA) in the recent round.

Since its inception in 2016 the AEA has recognised, supported and promoted teaching and the educators who demonstrate best practice in their field. Following a refreshed application process members of the AEA include distinguished educators, regardless of their teaching load. Staff are invited to connect with a member of the AEA should they be looking to enhance their teaching practice or explore an innovation or possible collaboration with colleges - or discuss any other element of learning and teaching.聽

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Associate Professor Stacie Attrill - School of Allied Health Science and Practice
Dr Abdullah Barazanchi - Adelaide Dental School
Dr Nicola Eastaff-Leung - School of Biomedicine
Associate Professor Muhammed Yakin - Adelaide Dental School

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Dr Mike Chen - School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Mr Eyad Hassan - School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor Michelle McArthur - School of Animal and Veterinary Science

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