Student Participation in Program and Academic Unit Reviews

Student involvement in the review of a university program or school, alongside discipline experts in a partnership capacity, is a vital aspect of our processes.

The University regularly reviews its programs and school functions to ensure students are offered a distinctive high quality education.

Student panel representatives

Review panels ordinarily comprise a senior discipline academic from another institution, a senior academic from the 成人大片, from a discipline other than the one being reviewed, two student members, and occasionally, a senior industry leader.

Panel members speak to a range of stakeholders (including students and alumni) to inform potential program improvements for current and future student cohorts.

  • Benefits

    The benefits for participating students include:

    • having an opportunity to inform future developments of your program
    • acquiring a greater understanding of how the University functions
    • gaining exposure to a wide range of potentially influential individuals in your field
    • honing professional communication skills in formal and informal situations (including attendance at a complimentary dinner)
    • receiving formal recognition of participation and involvement
    • being able to attribute the hours invested in the review towards the Adelaide Graduate Award, or Career and Research Skills Training (if you are undertaking either)
  • Eligibility

    Student panel members on program reviews:

    • may be enrolled currently in the program under review, or will have graduated very recently from the award program
    • must have completed at least 36 units of study prior to the commencement of the review
    • must be making satisfactory academic progress

    School review panels:

    • require an undergraduate student or a postgraduate coursework student undertaking a program offered by the school (either currently enrolled or recently graduated); and an HDR candidate (or very recent graduate) whose main supervisor is a member of staff of the school under review
    • The undergraduate student member
      • must have completed at least 36 units of study prior to the commencement of the review
      • must be making satisfactory academic progress
  • Conditions

    Student panel members need to:

    • be willing to participate on an entirely voluntary and unpaid basis
    • complete a confidentiality agreement
    • participate in the review for the duration scheduled
    • attend an induction, pre-read review material and provide feedback on the final report
  • Capabilities

    Student panel members are expected to:

    • show tact and diplomacy in dealing with people
    • respectfully interact with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences
    • build trust in relationships through maintaining confidentiality and keeping commitments
    • show flexibility in coping with multiple and changing priorities
    • provide ideas for improvement and constructive input into change initiatives
    • accomplish shared goals through accepting joint responsibility
    • provide appropriate information, support and encouragement to enable successful task completion

Student perspectives during the review process

  • Thirty minute sessions are scheduled for confidential, informal student group discussions
  • No specific preparation is required
  • Topics may relate to areas of interest arising from the Terms of Reference and material gathered
  • Student participant names are not released in the report and student details are redacted from any written submissions provided
  • All students who participate receive a formal letter of acknowledgement for their valuable contribution to University governance
  • Further information on the review process

Contact us

For general enquiries please contact Education Quality.