Student Retention and Success

The Student Retention and Success Plan 2022-2024 was approved by Academic Board in November 2021.

The 2022-24 SRSP builds on the achievements of the 2019-21 SRSP and focuses on those areas identified for further uplift through evaluation of the impact of the 2019-21 Plan. It also seeks to address the disruptive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on student retention and success, including the significant impacts of international and national border restrictions that required continuation of remote learning for many students through 2021 and into 2022. A number of strategies focus on personalisation and tailoring to meet the needs of individuals and specific cohorts. Each action (or group of actions) will have a detailed implementation plan developed in collaboration with stakeholders of each action area, with accountabilities, timeframes, expected outputs and outcomes, together with an evaluation plan that identifies appropriate indicators and measures to judge success.

Under the SRSP 2019-21 Plan, retention of domestic commencing undergraduate students improved substantially from 81.4% in 2018 to 83.7% in 2019. This result was sustained and further improved in 2020 and 2021. The SRSP 2022-24 Plan seeks to further improve on this success with the following target for domestic commencing undergraduate student retention aligned with our Compact Agreement with the Federal Government.




Student retention

Internal retention measure

Commonwealth attrition data

Improve domestic undergraduate attrition by 1% from 2019 baseline year

Unadjusted retention performance report

Baseline – 83.7% measured in Q3 2020

Target – 84.7% measured in Q3 2024

Commonwealth reported New Adjusted Attrition

Baseline 2019 retained to 2020 – 9.7%

Target 2023 retained into 2024 – 8.7% Q3 2025

Student Retention and Success Plan 2022 - 2024

Previous iterations of the Plan

Student Retention and Success Plan 2019 - 2021