Help shape the future of learning and teaching in this year’s academic program reviews

The University has over 70 academic programs across the Faculties of ABLE, SET, and HMS scheduled for review in 2024, grouped into 20 separate reviews and 5 rounds.

All coursework programs offered by the University are subject to a review as part of a 5–7-year cycle. The review process allows the Faculty, School, and program staff, and an independent, external reviewer, to reflect on and enhance the learning and teaching delivered in their programs, including student experience, curriculum quality, teaching methods and methodologies and growth opportunities.

All stakeholders are invited to make a submission, including University staff, titleholders, students, alumni, and industry stakeholders. Submissions can be made either as an individual or as a representative of a relevant group or organisation. Stakeholder submissions provide valuable insights and evidence that help the review team recognise excellent practice, identify opportunities for enhancement, and shape the future of current and new programs in the transition to a new University.

Written submissions addressing the relevant program review’s Terms of Reference can be made up until the advertised deadline. Rolling deadlines for each round of reviews are outlined on our Reviews in Progress page here. This page will be updated periodically as new information arises and we encourage you to keep updated.

The deadline for programs in Rounds 1 and 2 (listed below) is Friday, 3 May 2024.

Review of Postgraduate Programs in Materials Engineering
Review of the Master of Biopharmaceutical Engineering
Review of the Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
Review of Undergraduate Programs in Food and Nutrition Science 
Review of the Bachelor of Veterinary Technology
Review of the Post-Registration Programs in Nursing
Review of the Postgraduate Programs in Biostatistics
Review of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs in Psychology

Help shape the future of these programs.

For more information about program reviews please visit the Program Reviews webpage or email

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