Workshop 1: Getting started with FeedbackFruits: an overview of the Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation tools

Presented by Jo England, Senior Learning Designer and Eugenie Hsueh, FeedbackFruits

Does your course include group work activities? Does your course require students to review one another’s work or a presentation or a performance? Are you seeking a digital solution to support these activities? 

In this presentation you will receive an overview of two ‘external’ FeedbackFruits tools - and . These tools integrate with MyUni.

Learn how the Group Member Evaluation tool works to harmonise group work activities.

Learn how the Peer Review Tool enables students to evaluate their own and other’s work, using a set of objective criteria.

You will hear about a variety of use cases to inspire you on how to use each of these tools to the fullest.

Please see the for more information about each tool, and . Even if you can’t attend, please register your interest so that we can send you a recording of the session.

**Registrations for Workshop 2: Peer Review tool demonstration are now open!