Festival of Learning and Teaching 2020
- Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020, 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
- Location: MyUni course
- Cost: Free
- More information: Festival of Learning and Teaching 2020
- Contact: Teaching Excellence Team Chantelle Howie & Emily Kemp
- Email: teachexcellence@adelaide.edu.au
All staff are invited to join our first ever fully online Festival of Learning and Teaching, which will take place over two half days on Tuesday 21 and Thursday 23 July, 2020.
At the beginning of 2020, our community of students and educators little imagined we soon would be moving our University education rapidly and fully online for the first half of the year. And yet, that is what happened, with our educators, and our professional staff who support learning and teaching, embracing the challenge with extraordinary creativity  and commitment.
As we look toward phased resumption of campus-based, face-to-face learning and teaching for the second half of the year, it is timely to celebrate the many achievements - and also to share and reflect on what we have learned from the experience that can be built on as we accelerate the transformation of learning and teaching to meet our students’ expectations and needs in a changed world.
The Festival theme, ‘Looking Back, Looking Forward’, offers a great mix of provocative keynotes from leading sector voices and stimulating presentations, workshops and panels delivered by University staff and students.