
  • Student Charter

    ³ÉÈË´óƬ is focused on achieving excellence in education, research and engagement with the community. Students are central to this mission and the University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment in learning, teaching and research activities. The Student Charter outlines the reasonable expectations that students can have of the University while studying as well as the responsibilities of students.

  • Residential Colleges Charter

    Residential Colleges of Adelaide andÌýThe ³ÉÈË´óƬ

    The ³ÉÈË´óƬ and the residential Colleges of Adelaide (Colleges) are united in their commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment for students and to ensuring their fair treatment and wellbeing at all times.

    To ensure that the environments on campus and off campus in the Colleges meet this joint commitment, the University and the Colleges have jointly developed and endorse this Charter and by their signature to it, agree to do all that is necessary to uphold and abide by it.

    The Charter of Student Fairness and Wellbeing was executed on 27 March 2018.

    The Charter participants are:

    Aquinas College, Kathleen Lumley College, Lincoln College, St Ann’s College,ÌýSt Mark’s College, and the ³ÉÈË´óƬ (the parties).

    Principles of the Charter

    1. The safety and wellbeing of students are paramount at all times whether they are at the Colleges or at University when participating in or attending College or University-related activities of any kind.Ìý
    2. At the heart of the parties’ joint commitment is the recognition of individual rights and the promotion of ethical and respectful engagement of individuals.
    3. The parties actively encourage and promote meaningful, safe and respectful student participation in University and College life and communities.
    4. The parties recognise that they have aligned aspirations and expectations for students who reside with them and study with them even though the parties operate independently of each other.
    5. Each of the parties has its own framework of relevant policies and procedures that address student wellbeing, acknowledging community expectations and the requirements of lawful conduct.
    6. The preservation and protection of appropriate social environments at the University and the Colleges are possible only through the respectful interactions of all members of the University and College communities.
    7. All parties have and are able to demonstrate communication plans that enable all students and the parties’ personnel to be informed and updated in a time and manner appropriate to the achievement of a safe, secure and respectful environment for students.Ìý Ìý
    8. The parties ensure that students are provided with a safe, secure, ethical and lawful environment.
    9. The parties take reasonable steps to provide students with an environment free from violence, discrimination, vilification, bullying or harassment of any kind (sexual or otherwise).
    10. The parties ensure that their students are fully informed about relevant policies and procedures and are aware of the reporting mechanisms and supports available to them at College or at the University.
    11. The parties actively promote a culture of reporting to internal and/or external entities.
    12. Orientation activities by the parties for all students must include specific education and awareness training about consent, respectful relationships, how and when to seek assistance from first respondents, reporting incidents to Colleges and/or the University and reporting to law enforcement officers.Ìý
    13. All parties commit to offering immediate support and advice to any person involved in unlawful or inappropriate conduct alleged to have occurred at a College or University and in any activity associated with College or University events or places.Ìý The primary focus of the support and advice is to offer immediate response to address the matter and to prevent further harm.
    14. The parties agree that incidents and reports covered by article 9 must be made known to the relevant College and to the University.
    15. The parties agree to the establishment of a community of best practice that will have overall visibility of all policies and procedures in relation to article 9.
    16. Having regard to the welfare of a victim and other legal and regulatory requirements (such as privacy, welfare and protection, mandatory reporting and criminal codes) and broader community expectations, the parties will respect complainants’ preferences in responding to and managing any incident.Ìý
    17. The Colleges commit to engaging in regular dialogue with the ³ÉÈË´óƬ about Student Fair Treatment and Wellbeing issues and agree to review and update this Charter at least annually or as required.
    18. Each of the parties administers an annual survey to gauge students’ satisfaction with prevailing culture in the spirit of continuous improvement.

    Executed Charter of Student Fairness and Wellbeing.

  • Inclusive Language Guidelines

  • Sexual Misconduct Policy and Response Procedures

    The University is committed to fostering and promoting a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for all members of its community. The Sexual Misconduct Policy gives effect to that commitment by prohibiting all forms of Sexual Misconduct (including Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault) and explaining how the University will respond to reports of Sexual Misconduct from and about members of the University community. The Response ProceduresÌýinclude information about how individuals making Reports of Sexual Misconduct can expect the University to respond to their concerns and offer support.

  • Student Critical Incidents Policy and Procedure

    The ³ÉÈË´óƬ is committed to providing a safe environment for students and staff.

    This policy informs students and staff of the University's approach to critical incident management and how the University supports students in the event of a Critical Incident.

  • Equal Opportunity Policy

    Through this policy the University seeks to promote the principles of equal opportunity; equity, fairness and social justice and to acting in accordance with relevant legislation.

  • Safe Environments for Children and Vulnerable People Policy

    This Policy applies to all personnel and students and relates specifically to their contact and work with children and vulnerable people (as defined by this Policy) and to their broader role in supporting a Safer Campus Community.

  • Relationships with Students Procedures

    This procedure sets out expectations for staff members and titleholders regarding personal relationships with students. It is intended to ensure that the University fulfils its obligations to the educational development and wellbeing of students through positive, professional and collegial relationships.


  • Behaviour and Conduct Policy and Procedures

    The University's Behaviour and Conduct Policy and Procedures establish standards for appropriate behaviour and conduct, in compliance with relevant legislation.