News: learning analytics

Group Learning in a Remote Teaching and Learning Setting

A woman in front of her laptop in a zoom call

Previously in the Learning Cog blog we’ve looked at benefits that students derive from working together in groups. An investigation into group work in MyUni and final grades in semester 1, 2019 found that students who were active group members achieved an average course mark that was over 3% higher than their peers who either weren’t group members or weren’t active within those groups. Furthermore, those extra few percent resulted in a higher grade in a third of cases.

[Read more about Group Learning in a Remote Teaching and Learning Setting]

Creating Student Groups Using Demographic, Enrolment and Educational Data

Students around a table

It’s well documented that students derive great benefits from working in groups. From increased individual achievement to enhanced communication and professional development skills, students with experience of Group Learning are likely to find themselves better equipped for whatever path they choose after graduation.

[Read more about Creating Student Groups Using Demographic, Enrolment and Educational Data]

How to set up assignments to assist in identifying at-risk students


Students’ early online activity and assessment grades produce valuable data points that help us to predict which students are at risk of failing and potentially attriting from the University. 

[Read more about How to set up assignments to assist in identifying at-risk students]

Demonstrating the achievement benefits associated with group learning


Students with experience of Group Learning are likely to find themselves better equipped for whatever path they choose after graduation.

[Read more about Demonstrating the achievement benefits associated with group learning]

SELT data added to Detailed Course Report in MyUni

SELT Report

Due to popular demand, SELT data has now been added in a recent update to the Detailed Course Report, allowing course coordinators and teaching staff to view SELT data across historical delivery of the course.

[Read more about SELT data added to Detailed Course Report in MyUni]

Assessing student engagement during times of remote learning

student typing2

During times of remote learning, the ability to assess student engagement with course content has become increasingly important. 

[Read more about Assessing student engagement during times of remote learning]

Team Spotlight: Learning Analytics


The Learning Enhancement and Innovation unit is comprised of several teams that work across different aspects of learning and teaching. 

[Read more about Team Spotlight: Learning Analytics]

How to effectively use MyUni Course Announcements

student typing

During the present times of purely remote learning, it is increasingly important for students to receive personalised messaging from their course coordinators, lecturers and tutors. 

[Read more about How to effectively use MyUni Course Announcements ]

How to download and interpret a Detailed Course Report

students 3

The Detailed Course Report provides insights into student demographics, academic results and program & other course enrolments, as well as information about the course.

[Read more about How to download and interpret a Detailed Course Report]

How to use data to understand your students and anticipate their learning needs

students laptop

Insights gained from learning analytics can shape the way a course is taught. While many use data for the purpose of review after a course is delivered, the use of data to prepare for teaching a course is often overlooked.

[Read more about How to use data to understand your students and anticipate their learning needs]

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