Mixed Cohort Learning

Mixed Cohort Learning

The University’s Mixed Cohort Learning project is an initiative to deliver classes which some students attend face-to-face, and others online, simultaneously.

The University is undertaking a classroom refurbishment project in 2021 to support and advance Mixed Cohort Learning, using appropriate technology and physical space design. This initiative responds to the challenges presented by the pandemic – the need to adapt modes of teaching to support students regardless of their physical location – and aligns with our strategic commitment to increasing the flexibility of our education delivery as part of our Education Pillar Plan under Future Making. It also is informed by the University’s Learning and Teaching Space Transformation Vision project, 2019, which established key principles for the future design of campus learning spaces.

Mixed Cohort Learning Teaching Spaces

The Mixed Cohort Learning pilot has been established to facilitate teaching in classes that have mixed cohorts of face-to-face and online learners. Enabled by technology and tailored space design, the MCL project takes a student-centred and ‘pedagogy first’ approach. The aim is to support active learning in mixed-cohort classes, including group-based and collaborative approaches. The refurbishment of Hughes 322 and Hughes 323 aims to provide a user-friendly, reliable environment for students and staff, and will allow us to apply lessons learned to the design of future learning spaces at the University.

In Hughes 322 and Hughes 323 there are currentlyÌýfive Mixed Cohort Learning capable pods, each accommodating five face-to-face students connected with their online classmates by a screen, camera, and microphone for each pod. There are other tables in the room to accommodate additional face-to-face students, up to a total capacity of 48 students for each room.

Mixed Cohort Learning at UoA

Please refer to the for more details and resources on teaching in this mode.

Introduction to the Mixed Cohort Learning Room (Hughes 322)

Introduction to the Mixed Cohort Learning Room (Hughes 323)

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for Mixed Cohort Learning are listed below and will continue to be updated as the pilot progresses. If you have any further questions or suggested additions to the FAQs, please send us your feedback.

    What is a Mixed Cohort?

    For the purpose of this project, a mixed cohort refers to a class offered to both face to face (F2F) and remote students, simultaneously.

    Where will Mixed Cohort Learning take place?

    The project team has endorsed the addition of extra technology into two Common Teaching Areas (CTA), Hughes 322 and Hughes 323, with equitable access to all faculties. These spaces will be available for the Semester 2, 2021 teaching period.

    Who will be involved?

    Classes will be specifically timetabled to maximise the pilot adoption and return on investment for Semester 2. At-elbow technology support will be provided for teaching staff during the first few classes for each course, to facilitate delivery in both environments.

    Semester 2 courses are currently being selected for inclusion in the project. Once finalised, a complete list will be made available.

    How will this project be evaluated?

    Ongoing evaluation by staff and students through the pilot will be implemented to provide rapid feedback loops on activities which are successful or need further refinement. This evaluation includes all aspects of pedagogical design, professional development, technology and learning spaces (physical and online).

Send us your feedback

We welcome feedback and input from staff and students at any point in the process, so please fill in the form below and send us your views.

Personal details

Your feedback