
For all paid advertising campaigns, we use our media agency Hybrid for booking advertising.

Whether you’re wanting to book an ad in a newspaper or run Facebook ads on social media, Hybrid work with the media partners on our behalf and will provide you with a media schedule after receiving your brief.

You can download the Hybrid briefing form below. Make sure to include your budget and the date you want to be in market with your brief.

Please send your media brief directly to our account manager at Hybrid -ÌýEmma Talbot

Media briefing form (Hybrid)

Electronic direct mail

An email newsletter, also known as an eDM which stands for Electronic Direct Mail, allows you to tailor content to a specific audience at a relatively low cost.

With appropriate management, it is easy to track email responses, check bounced messages and measure click-through responses to your website. An eDM is also quicker to produce than printed forms of communication.

The University currently supports Campaign Monitor as its preferred eDM platform. If you would like to start sending eDMs, please create your own Campaign MonitorÌý. We do not have a centrally run account, each area creates their own as needed.

As an important and heavily used communication channel, it's important all eDMs reflect the University brand standards, so we've created a branded template which can be seen on the brand standards website.

  • Tips

    OnlyÌýsendÌýemailsÌýtoÌýpeople who have requested them It is vital to gain the permission of your subscribers before you email them. This can be done either through a specific sign-up form on your website.
    Include unsubscribe facility Under the Spam Act, every email must contain a working ‘unsubscribe’ facility so that the recipient can opt-out of receiving future messages. Most email marketing software (including Campaign Monitor) prompts you to include an ‘unsubscribe’ link.
    Keep your content relevant The most common reason why people don’t read emails is because they don’t think the content is relevant. Failing to meet their expectations will often lead to unread emails or unsubscribes.
    Include a clear call-to-action Include a clear call-to-action and make sure it stands out. Be clear and specific about the action you wish them to take (e.g. Visit your website, Download the program now, Click here to watch the video, etc.) and include links
    Email length matters Putting too much content into your emails will negatively impact open rates and click through rates. Particularly for e-newsletters, it is preferable to keep email copy brief but compelling and entice recipients to click through to the main article on your website or blog. As a guide, keep the majority of the content within the ‘one page’ view that fits on the screen when opened.
    Make it personal Personalising emails using the information you’ve collected such as name, date of birth, preferences get more attention and lead to better opens and click throughs.
    Use real email addresses When setting the ‘From’ or ‘Reply-to’ email address, always use a real email address that is regularly monitored.
    Test your email Before sending, send a test to yourself and other team members for proofing. Always check your hyperlinks to ensure they are linked correctly.
    Schedule and think of your audience Use the schedule function available in Campaign Monitor. Research your audience and their technology consumption habits. The best time to send a campaign is either early in the morning (between 6:30- 8:30AM, and last thing at night 8:30-10PM).
    Test and optimise your emails If you are using Campaign Monitor, regularly review the analytics from each mailing to track how well it performed and identify areas for improvement. For example, if the open rate is lower than what you expect, then experiment with a different subject line to see if that improves. Low click throughs? Why not add a button graphic. ÌýEmails sent via Outlook are limited in what you can track but at a minimum you should track your links using a URL shortening service