Student Insights

The Student Insights page displays for each individual student a summary of their MyUni activity and that of their peers, which is intended to help them develop self-efficacy and become better self-regulated learners.

Availability: in a select number of courses
Best used: By the student during the semester

The dashboard shows the most viewed content and participation within the course, as well as whether the individual student has viewed or participated with the listed content/resource. The information provided on the Student Insights is collated from data produced by student engagement with MyUni Course content and activities. Displayed are the Course ‘hotspots’ (top items viewed, top participations & top library resources) your peers are engaging with.


How can it be used?

The page can be used by students to:

  • Identify hotspots of online activity in the course
  • Filter to view the hotspots for this week, month or the entire course
  • Check for items that they haven’t viewed yet
  • Check for elements that they haven’t participated in yet
  • Track their engagement in the course compared to their peers
  • Rate course content to provide immediate feedback
  • Identify a starting point for action
  • Align their focus based on the activity of their peers
  • Find out where to get help with their studies

The page can be used by teaching staff to:

  • Identify most viewed course content
  • View average rating for specific course content
  • Download a ratings report
  • Highlight important content with lower engagement levels

How do I access?

The Student Insights Page is available via the LMS Analytics menu item. Students will automatically be directed to the Student Insights page. Teaching staff will need to click on the Student Insights tab within LMS Analytics. If the tab does not appear, Student Insights is not currently available in your course. Please contact Learning Analytics for more information or to request activation in your course.


Guide for teaching staff

Guide for students
