What Happens Next

The following steps set out how you can expect complaints and reports to be managed by the Integrity Unit. 听

These steps may alter where:

  • the matter is initially reported to another part of the University
  • the matter involves an immediate risk to health or safety
  • the matter involves potential criminal conduct.

However, in all circumstances, the Integrity Unit will endeavour to keep reporters informed of the actions taken in response to their report.听

Where a report is made anonymously, updates will not usually be able to be provided to the reporter.

You are welcome to have a support person present during any meetings and/or discussions with the Integrity Unit. You may also give formal consent for the Integrity Unit to share information about your matter with a nominated support person.

You can access support at any time. Please visit the Safer Campus Community website for details of support options available to you Safer Campus Community Support Options

  • Step 1 acknowledgement

    The Integrity Unit will acknowledge receipt of your report.

  • Step 2 discussion

    The Integrity Unit will review your report and will contact you to gather any other information that may be required and discuss with you how the matter is being managed. You will also be advised of any options to report the matter externally and advised of relevant wellbeing supports available to you. 听If the matter involves sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment or discrimination, the Integrity Unit will clarify with you whether you wish the University to take action.

    If you have concerns about the possibility of action being taken in reprisal for making a report, the Integrity Unit will discuss with you whether you may be eligible for whistleblower protections.

  • Step 3 assessment

    The Integrity Unit will consider all available information to assess how the matter should be treated and where the matter will be allocated within the University for action. You will be kept informed and any concerns you have about the involvement of particular staff in the management of the matter will be considered.听

    Generally, where a matter involves potential misconduct by a current staff member, Human Resources will be informed and will be involved in the management of the matter. 听For matters within its remit, the Integrity Unit will have oversight of the way the matter is progressed and may undertake any investigation required.

    Also, where a matter involves potential misconduct by a current student, Student Affairs will usually be informed and will be involved in the management of the matter. 听For matters within its remit, the Integrity Unit will have oversight of the way the matter is progressed and may undertake any investigation required.

    For matters relating to sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment or discrimination, your views about whether the matter can be addressed through facilitated resolution will be considered. The Integrity Unit will also consider whether any immediate steps should be taken (sometimes referred to as interim or precautionary measures) to ensure that victims of alleged sexual misconduct, or other alleged misconduct are able to continue their work or study while the matter is actioned.

    In some cases, the Integrity Unit may determine that a matter does not warrant action if there is insufficient information to form a view that there is a reasonable suspicion that misconduct has occurred. The Integrity Unit will also consider whether the matter is within the University鈥檚 remit to take action.

  • Step 4 action

    The actions taken in each matter may vary, depending on the type of matter and circumstances surrounding it. The Integrity Unit will ensure that you understand the process that is being applied to your matter, and that you are kept updated throughout. Action may include:

    • Investigation by the University.
      An investigation will usually be part of a misconduct process. If the investigation substantiates that misconduct has occurred, a report will be provided to the relevant decision maker to determine what sanction should be applied.
    • Facilitated resolution.
      Facilitated resolution can include a range of a different outcomes agreed between the parties. These could include an apology, an undertaking not to engage in specific conduct again, or a range of other mediated outcomes.听
    • External investigation.
      Some matters will require or warrant referral to external bodies including the Office of Public Integrity and/or SAPOL. If an external body is undertaking an investigation, the University will usually suspend any internal investigation until that process is complete. This ensures that the evidence is preserved, and the University鈥檚 actions do not interfere with the external process.
  • Step 5 finalisation

    The Integrity Unit will ensure that you are made aware of the outcome of your matter, and that, where appropriate, you understand the reasons for the findings. The amount of detail you are provided about the outcome will be dependent on the circumstances of the matter and the University鈥檚 obligations to others involved in the matter.听

    The Integrity Unit will also ensure that you have access to ongoing wellbeing support.听

    If you want clarification about any part of the process and/or the outcome, please contact the Integrity Unit on 8313 0609 or email integrityunit@adelaide.edu.au

    To enable the Integrity Unit to continue to improve its processes we welcome feedback from anyone involved in a process. If you have any feedback about the way the process has been managed, please contact the Integrity Unit on 8313 0609 or email integrityunit@adelaide.edu.au.