Meet the Team

The Integrity Unit is here to assist you with raising concerns about inappropriate conduct

All members of the Integrity Unit can talk to you about any concerns you may wish to raise and can help you understand the process of reporting inappropriate behaviour to the University before you decide to make a report.

The team are experienced with dealing with complex and sensitive issues, and you will be treated with respect and compassion throughout.

You can contact the Unit on 8313 0609 or via email to, or you can contact any of our team directly through the contact information below.听

If you would like to meet face to face, would like a counsellor or translator to support you in raising your concern, or are experiencing any other barriers to making a report please contact us and we will work with you to make the process as accessible as possible.听

Ashley Hurrell

Executive Director

Pronouns she/her

Andrew Muthy

Principal Investigator

Karen Williams

Complaints Advisor

Natalya Watt

Complaints Advisor

Amelia Kenneally

Principal Investigator