Non-Award Enrolment & Amendment Procedures

To apply:

If your application is approved, you will receive confirmation that you have been successful. A staff member will enrol you into courses on your behalf. Non-award students do not enrol online but are required to complete their enrolment checklist online.

An application for admission and enrolment form must be lodged with the relevant Faculty according to the instructions on the application. You will be invoiced online through Access Adelaide prior to each census date. An email to your 成人大片 email account will advise you when an invoice is available. Read more about .

Amendment to enrolment procedures

Course withdrawal

If you decide to stop studying you must formally withdraw from your course by dropping the course via Access Adelaide. If you remain enrolled you will incur the non-award fee and record a Fail on your academic transcript even if you never attend classes and/or tell the lecturer you plan to withdraw.

You must observe the academic dates set by the University (i.e. withdrawal and census dates) as enrolment, grades and fees are impacted by these .

Course additions

If you wish to add another course to your enrolment, please submit another non-award enrolment application form. You may add courses within the period allowed by the University at the start of term.

Changing classes

If you wish to change classes (e.g. tutorials) you will need to do so via Access Adelaide. Note: you must already be enrolled in the course to change classes.