Conditions of Enrolment

Please read the following rules about studying at the University.

  • Access Adelaide Student Declaration

    Students enrolling online, are required to agree to the following declaration. Students who do not agree to the declaration may not enrol.

    As a student, it is your responsibility to ensure that you only enrol in courses counted towards your degree (program). Your enrolment must comply with the rules for your degree that are listed in the . You may be withdrawn from courses if you are ineligible to be enrolled.

    “I agree to abide by the University’s Statutes, Regulations, Rules and Policies, the Student Charter and other reasonable directions and conditions as may be stipulated by the University from time to time, whilst I am enrolled as a student at the University, including the Academic Progress by Coursework Students Policy, Academic Integrity Policy, Coursework Academic Programs Policy, ÌýIT Acceptable Use and Security Policy, Student Misconduct Policy, Student Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response Policy, Student Fees Refund Policy and Procedures, Student Health Assessment and Leave Policy and Procedures, Student Loan Policy, Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment (MACA) Policy– accessible at /policies/atoz/ .

    I acknowledge that enrolment is my responsibility, and this includes ensuring that I can fulfil any inherent or other requirements of my program/courses and that all course enrolments are finalised by the relevant close of enrolment and census date in each study period. I understand and accept that I will incur fees and liability for any courses in which I am enrolled at the census date, and will also be liable for all Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) or other fees or charges as set out in the University’s Rules and Policies as applicable to my enrolment. I agree to pay all mandatory fees by the due date, unless an alternate date is approved by the University.

    I understand that the provision of incorrect, inaccurate, fraudulent or misleading information or documentation by me or a third party on my behalf, either before or after my enrolment, may result in the University terminating my enrolment or imposing other penalties in accordance with relevant Rules and Policies. The University reserves the right to cancel a student’s current and/or future enrolment. The University is not obliged to reimburse any costs and expenses I have paid or incurred as a consequence of my enrolment.

    I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to, where required, provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI)Ìý and to ensure my personal details are accurate and kept up to date.

    I understand that University communication and correspondence will be sent to my University email account, and I agree to check my University email account on a regular basis (at least once per week). I understand the University may also send ‘SMS’ texts to my nominated mobile phone number.

    I acknowledge that the collection, use, storage and disclosure of my personal information by the University will be in accordance with the University’s which contains the .

    I understand and accept that the University is required to disclose details of my enrolment and other study-related information (including academic performance) to Australian and State Government departments and agencies to satisfy funding, reporting and other requirements, and to verify details relating to my enrolment. If I am an international student studying in Australia, I understand that these reports may have implications for my student visa.

    I agree that the University may disclose my enrolment and other information to third parties contracted by the University to provide services to or on behalf of the University as well as collaborating parties, for example, to facilitate vocational placements, student exchanges, joint activities.“

  • Compliance with academic program rules/approval of enrolment

    Students are encouraged to contact a Program/Student Adviser before enrolment each year to obtain course advice or, if required, obtain approval for their proposed program of study. The names of coordinators may be obtained from Faculty/School Offices.

    All students must comply with the Rules for their Academic Program. Students should ensure that they only enrol for courses that may be presented towards their award. The Academic Program Rules are listed in the . While Faculties/Schools will endeavour to contact students if their enrolments do not comply with Program Rules and may withdraw students from courses in which they are not eligible to enrol, it is the students' responsibility to ensure that their enrolment is correct. International students on student visas should consult the International Student Centre to ensure that their enrolments comply with the conditions of their visa.

  • Availability of courses

    All courses offered in a particular year can be viewed on the .

    If enrolment numbers for a particular course are less than the minimum specified by the Faculty, the Faculty is not bound to offer that course. Any impacted students will be counselled about suitable alternatives. The availability of courses may also be conditional upon the availability of staff and resources. Faculties may set quotas for enrolment in individual courses and will determine and publish the selection criteria for the filling of these quotas. Faculties may also restrict enrolment in individual courses in accordance with Academic Program Rules.

  • Repeating a course

    A course cannot be counted more than once towards a single award.

    Note: Repeating a failed course may place the student at risk under the Academic Progress for Coursework Students Policy.

    For rules about enrolment restrictions, refer to the relevant Academic Program Rules for your program, and the ‘Coursework Academic Programs Policy’.

  • Amendment to enrolment and fees

    After census, and subject to the requirements of their academic program, students may seek to amend their enrolment to add or drop a course, or to seek a Retrospective Withdraw No Fail. Students can complete an online Amendment to Enrolment and Fees form with supporting documentation, and submit their request for consideration. Requests will need to comply with the Criteria relevant to their request. The outcome will be emailed to the campus email address.


    Applications received outside the 12 month period or do not meet the Criteria or are submitted without independent relevant support will NOT be considered.Ìý Further advice is available at the /enrol website under Forms.

    Students are not eligible to apply if they have been completed in their program, passed the course they are applying for, or have had an Academic Misconduct recorded due to a breach under theÌýAcademic Integrity Policy.

  • Swapping courses

    Select the 'swap' button and swap classes within the same course (e.g. from one tutorial to another) or swap to another course.

  • Adding or Dropping or Deleting courses

    Adding a course

    Students can enrol into courses online once their program opens, and before the 'last day to add online' date for that teaching term is reached. After the last dayÌýto add courses online for a term of study, students will not be able to enrol late. You will need to submit an Late Enrolment Request form to seek any changes. Permission to enrol late is at the discretion of both the relevant academic area (you must have been attending classes and submitting assignments), and Student Administration of the University.

    Students should aim to be enrolled before the census date in each semester/term for the academic year. Enrolment by the census date in a teaching period, or for later changes processed by Student Administration, will impact fee charges.

    Dropping a course

    Students mayÌý 'drop' or delete courses at any time during the semester/term although the dates on which students withdraw from a course affects the way that the withdrawal is permanently recorded on their academic transcript.

    In general, a withdrawal can be:

    • Completely deleted from the transcript (if actioned prior to the census date published in Course Planner for that course) or
    • Recorded as a Withdraw No Fail (WNF) (if actioned by the relevant WNF date) or
    • Recorded as a Withdraw Fail (WF) (if actioned by the relevant WF date)

    See the full list of that affect enrolments.

  • Retrospective Withdraw No fail

    In exceptional circumstances, students may be permitted to Withdraw No Fail (WNF) from a course after the relevant WNF date. Students must submit an online Amendment to Enrolment and Fees form explaining the reasons for their request and providing relevant, independent documentation that supports their application within the criteria set for this form. Applications must be submitted to Student Administration within 12 months of the date of withdrawal from the course, or 12 months from the last day of the replacement exam period for the relevant semester/term if the student did not withdraw.


    Applications submitted outside the 12 month period or do not meet the Criteria or without independent support will NOT be considered. Further advice is available at the /enrol website under Forms.

    Students are not eligible to apply if they have been completed in their program, passed the course they are applying for, or have had an Academic Misconduct recorded due to a breach under theÌýAcademic Integrity Policy.

  • Program overloads

    Students wishing to undertake more than a standard academic program load are encouraged to consult and obtain approval from their program adviser and their Faculty/School.

    The standard academic program load is as follows:

    • 12 units per semester/half year course;
    • 9 units per trimester;
    • 6 units per term;
    • 3 units per summer/winter school; or
    • 3 units per online teaching period.

    Students who undertake an overload and subsequently fail their courses may become subject to the Academic Progress by Coursework Students policy applied during the year.

  • Enrol by relevant census date

    All enrolments must be finalised by the relevant census date in each semester/term and students will incur a financial liability for any courses in which they are enrolled at this date.Ìý In exceptional circumstances, students may be able to submit a Late Enrolment Request or Class Swap after the census date.


    Students are not eligible to apply if they have been completed in their program, passed the course they are applying for, or have had an Academic Misconduct recorded due to a breach under theÌýAcademic Integrity Policy.

    Students will not be permitted to enrol if they have outstanding financial obligations to the University. Students who decide to take a break from study should contact their faculty for advice about taking a leave of absence from their program.

  • Dates relating to enrolment activity

    Before you take any action online to add or drop courses, check the relevant dates to understand the outcome of your decisions.

  • Defer or discontinue studies

    Student may defer their offer to commence a new program. If you’ve received an offer and decideÌýto defer before census date, you will need to formally advise us of your decision:

    • Domestic students will need to advise SATAC via the
    • International students will need to advise us via the of the InternationalÌýApplication System.
    • International Year 12 students will need to advise both SATAC and via the Applicant Portal.

    If you have already enrolled and decide to defer commencement, you will need to drop all yourÌýcourses before the relevant census date in . If you are enrolled atÌýcensus date, details will remain on your record and you will incur fees.

    As a continuing student, if you decide that you no longer want to continue studying in your program, you will need to advise the relevant Faculty Office of your decision. Please ensure that you drop all your courses. If you are enrolled at census date, details will remain your your record and you will incur fees. Staff will amend the University's records to indicate that you have discontinued your program.

  • Unique Student Identifier

    The Australian Government extended the requirement for a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to all higher education students in 2021.
    ´¡Ìý [USI] is a reference number that creates an online record of your qualifications attained in Australia. All students undertaking a higher education qualification, need a USI in order to receive a qualification and to receive commonwealth financial assistance from 2021.Ìý Students may apply for an exemption from having a USI, please refer to the .

    You will need a USI before you can enrol in your coursesand you will need to enter your USI in your enrolment checklist in Access Adelaide before enrolling.
    For international and offshore students, further information is available at the .

    If you are eligible to defer your fees under an applicable Australian Government , you will need to provide a valid USI at enrolment.Ìý You can create your USI nowÌý- but if you've completed training in Australia since 2015, you may already have one.Ìý

    Please ensure that your personal information at the USI Registry Office is exactly the same as the information at the ³ÉÈË´óƬ, this will avoid the risk of having an unverified USI which will impact on your enrolment and graduation.

    Providing a valid USI is a student responsibility and is to be provided online through the enrolment checklist in Access Adelaide. USI submission via email or hard copy to the University will not be accepted. Please contact Ask Adelaide if you require assistance.

  • Name change rules

    Your official University records will be created using the name provided at first contact with the University. Any changes to that recorded name will be made in a way acceptable to the University.

    When you request a change to your name, courtesy title or date of birth, you will need to provide a copy of supporting evidence certified by either a Justice of the Peace, a Notary Public, a Consular official, or a Commissioner for taking Affidavits, of ONE of the following official documents:

    1. Birth Certificate
    2. Passport
    3. Marriage Certificate
    4. Certificate of Change of Name, issued by the Principal, Registry Office of Births, Deaths and Marriages
    5. An official Hong Kong or Singapore Government ID card for citizens of those countries.

    Please note the following cultural and administrative observances:

    a. After marriage, you can claim your spouse's last name, or retain your current last name. Any requests to record a new last name comprising both married and unmarried name, will require an official 'Change of Name' certified by the Principal, Registry Office of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Office of Consumer and Business Affairs.

    b. Where an official document is submitted that is different to the details requested on your form, your name(s) will be recorded using the details on that documentation for legal compliance.

    c. Changes made to your first or last name will affect your university email address.

    d. Other documents are not accepted eg Driver's Licence or Certificate of Citizenship.

    e. Names longer than 90 characters (including spaces) need to be shortened to fit our recording system. We will contact you to discuss options how best to do this. Please note that in some university documents eg academic transcript, only 50 characters will appear.

    f. Anomalies in the spelling of a name created by a data entry error may be amended without notice during routine checks.

    g. If you have a HELP debt with the ATO, ensure you contact and notify them about changes to your personal details.

    h. If you wish to nominate a preferred first name for university email and MyUni, you will need to separately submit a Preferred First Name for Campus Email & MyUni form.