Research Data Planner

Research staff and HDR students can use Research Data Planner to create high quality research data management plans.

It is a University Policy requirement that researchers and HDR students create a research data management plan for any research project where the lead researcher is a University staff member. This requirement applies to projects that are funded both externally and internally. In addition, HDR students are required to create a plan as part of the Core Component of the Structured Program, and submit the final version of the plan with their final thesis submission.

Research Data Planner is a web-based service that connects with Research Master to draw in existing project information. This means that when you are creating your plan, some of the project information will be pre-filled. If Research Master holds no information about your project, you can use Research Data Planner to create a plan from scratch.

Research Data Planner automatically saves your plan into HPE-CM, ensuring you are meeting your record keeping requirements. The University Library is business owner of Research Data Planner.