Teacher in Residence Program

STEM is not a subject, it’s a way of thinking.

We want to help students discover how their passion for STEM shapes the future.

teacher writing on a white board

The McMillan Teacher in Residence program has a dedicated teacher focussed on delivering STEM outreach and engagement programs for South Australian schools. Working with industry, teachers and students, the STEM Teacher in Residence facilitates an engagement program which promotes STEM careers and builds curriculum-based teacher resources and student activities, involving direct collaboration with schools

students showing a teacher their project

Information for teachers

Welcome to the McMillan Teacher in Residence (TIR) program – a unique initiative dedicated to advancing STEM education in South Australian schools. Our program is driven by an experienced Teacher in Residence Program Coordinator focussed on delivering impactful STEM outreach and engagement programs.

TIR Teacher Advisory Board

The success of the TIR program is further amplified by the valuable input and guidance from our Teacher Advisory Board. Comprising experienced and dedicated educators from across the state, the advisory board works closely with the TIR program coordinator, providing insights and recommendations to enhance program content and delivery.

Professional Development

Whether you are a teacher looking to enhance your STEM curriculum or a school seeking engaging programs for your students, the McMillan Teacher in Residence program welcomes your involvement. Together, let's inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators.

Join us on this exciting journey towards a future where STEM education is not just a subject but a source of inspiration and innovation!

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