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Planning a baby? A fertility app won't necessarily tell you the best time to try

Woman holding a phone, looking out the window

In years gone by, women would rely on the calendar on the wall to work out when their next menstrual cycle might occur. They would look to physical signs to tell them when they might be ovulating, and therefore when they’d be most likely to fall pregnant.

[Read more about Planning a baby? A fertility app won't necessarily tell you the best time to try]

Miscarriages affect 1 in 6 pregnancies. We need better investigations and treatments

A miscarriage is a devastating event. Those who experience them are suddenly and unexpectedly robbed of the promise of new life and the dream of an expanded family. The emotional toll can be even greater if conception was delayed, or if fertility treatments were required to achieve a pregnancy.

[Read more about Miscarriages affect 1 in 6 pregnancies. We need better investigations and treatments]

Considering using IVF to have a baby? Here's what you need to know

If it’s not you, perhaps it’s someone you know. You don’t look infertile, you don’t feel infertile, but after many months (or years) of trying to start a family, followed by several months of monitoring your cycle in a fertility clinic, it’s time to discuss IVF.

[Read more about Considering using IVF to have a baby? Here's what you need to know]

Five ways to reduce the risk of stillbirth

Six Australian babies are stillborn each day. This equates to more than 2,000 babies each year.

[Read more about Five ways to reduce the risk of stillbirth]

Tick-tock – for healthy mums and kids, dad’s age counts

Women are regularly reminded of their ticking biological clock. It turns out men should also pay attention to age when it comes to having a family.

[Read more about Tick-tock – for healthy mums and kids, dad’s age counts]

Acupuncture during IVF doesn’t increase chances of having a baby

Acupuncture has become a  treatment prior to and during in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). Women hope it will increase their chances of having a baby, but also provide support with reducing stress, and feeling relaxed and well while undergoing treatment.

[Read more about Acupuncture during IVF doesn’t increase chances of having a baby]

Domperidone can boost breast milk supply – here’s what you need to know

Breast milk is the  for infants’ growth and development. But some women don’t produce enough milk to exclusively breastfeed their baby.

[Read more about Domperidone can boost breast milk supply – here’s what you need to know]

How childhood trauma changes our hormones, and thus our mental health, into adulthood

Exposure to traumatic experiences in childhood can have a negative impact on the development of the brain when it’s most vulnerable.

[Read more about How childhood trauma changes our hormones, and thus our mental health, into adulthood]

Five ways to help parents cope with the trauma of stillbirth

There are at least  stillbirths a year across the world.  families each year suffer the loss of a stillborn baby in Australia, equating to six stillborn babies every day.

[Read more about Five ways to help parents cope with the trauma of stillbirth]

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