Community Resources

To enable individuals to make informed decisions about their health and the health of those in their care, we have developed a 'library' of resources that provides evidence-based health care advice and information.

This is a growing list, so please continue to visit this page as it evolves.

  • RRI resources (developed or partnered)

    • EndoZone is an evidence-based website co-created with people affected by endo.

      Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, EndoZone has been developed by researchers, health experts, Australia’s endometriosis (endo) associations, and most importantly, the community.ÌýBacked by our own research led algorithm, EndoZone learns what users want and responds to what they need.Ìý

    • Your Fertility empowers prospective parentsÌýto make informed and timely decisions regarding their reproductive health byÌýsharing the latest scientific and medical information about the modifiable factors that affect fertility.

      The Robinson Research Institute is proud to be a coalition partner of Your Fertility, partnering with the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority, Jean Hailes for Women's Health and Andrology Australia to deliver this program.

    • InforMDÌý(INformation FORum on Mammographic Density) was established byÌýAustralian breast cancer researchersÌýwho are aware of the importance of breast density in screening, diagnosis, and prevention of breast cancer who want to start a conversation with the wider Australian and international community about breast density.
  • Your reproductive health

    • Your Fertility empowers prospective parentsÌýto make informed and timely decisions regarding their reproductive health byÌýsharing the latest scientific and medical information about the modifiable factors that affect fertility.

      The Robinson Research Institute is proud to be a coalition partner of Your Fertility, partnering with the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority, Jean Hailes for Women's Health and Andrology Australia to deliver this program.

    • EndoZone is an evidence-based website co-created with people affected by endo.

      Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, EndoZone has been developed by researchers, health experts, Australia’s endometriosis (endo) associations, and most importantly, the community.ÌýBacked by our own research led algorithm, EndoZone learns what users want and responds to what they need.Ìý

    • InforMDÌý(INformation FORum on Mammographic Density) was established byÌýAustralian breast cancer researchersÌýwho are aware of the importance of breast density in screening, diagnosis, and prevention of breast cancer who want to start a conversation with the wider Australian and international community about breast density.
    • (ASRM)
      Operating under Reproductive Facts and ASRM, this website provides detailed information for patients and health professionals respectively, and seeks to be an internationally recognised leader for multidisciplinary information, education, and advocacy and standards in the field of reproductive medicine.

    • The Fertility Society of Australia is the peak body representing scientists, doctors, researchers, nurses, consumers and counsellors in reproductive medicine in Australia & New Zealand.

      Each year the FSA holds a Scientific Meeting attracting experts in reproductive health from around the world to present research and discuss new technologies and treatments.
    • (ESHRE)
      ESHRE promotes interest in, and understanding of, reproductive biology and medicine, through facilitating research and subsequent dissemination of research findings in human reproduction and embryology to the general public, scientists, clinicians and patient associations. It also works to collaborate with politicians and policy makers in Europe.

    • The Pelvic Pain Foundation was established after the 2010 National Pain Summit held at Parliament House, identifyingÌýthat chronic pain is a major health issue for Australia. The summit developed Australia’s first National Pain Strategy, which is being implemented throughout Australia by PainAustralia in collaboration with both state and federal governments.

    • INFORMD was established by researchers who are investigating different aspects of breast density. All these researchers have published in leading national and international scientific journals, presented their findings at conferences and meetings, and are all recognised by their peers as experts in the field of breast density.
    • (Women's Health in Reproductive Life)
      The CRE aims to generate new knowledge for improved health outcomes; ensure effective transfer of research into health policy and practice; develop the health and medical research workforce; and encourage participation and collaboration.
  • Preparing for pregnancy: Pre-conception care

    • Preconception care for men
      Preconception care is what future parents can do to maximise pregnancy success and child health in terms of their health and wellbeing. This is equally important for both males and females. This information sheet contains 8 tips for preconception care in males.Ìý

    • Pregnancy occurs in a limited time period in a woman’s life and it is not independent of theÌýprior life experiences that will also have a bearing on the pregnancy outcome. We have aÌýcollective responsibility for the next generations that can be best discharged through accessÌýto adequate housing, strong neighbourhoods, green space, schools, employment, and healthyÌýfood for all, or, in summary, through social justice.

    • This journal article published in Science in 2014, explains how exposure to environmental factors of both parents and their ages influences how genes are expressed, and programs the life-long health trajectory of the resulting child.

    • In this Tedtalk, Dr Kent Thornburg explains how the future of our health is not only in our genes, but also in our hands with the choices we make regarding food and nutrition. Our food choices not onlyÌýaffect us, but our children and our children's children.Ìý

    • Begin Before Birth provides prospective parents, students and health care professionals with information about the importance of the environment in the womb, and the lasting effect this can have on the development of the newborn throughout life.
  • Stillbirth

    • The Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Stillbirth tabled its report in Parliament on 4 December 2018. Several recommendations have been made around education for pregnant women and research directions with the Minister for Health Greg Hunt committing $7 million for research with further funding to come. RRI's Professors Claire Roberts and Gus Dekker appeared before the Committee on 10 August 2018 after preparing a submission on behalf of RRI.

    • Still Aware are committed to raising awareness of the very real statistics of stillbirth in Australia, working to end preventable stillbirth. They educate clinicians, mothers and families about stillbirth prevention and promote open communication.ÌýStill Aware is invested in sharing stillbirth research and actively lobbies for stillbirth to be listed and remain on the policy agenda at a national level.
  • Child health disorders

    • The Immunise Australia Program funds the purchase of vaccinations to protect millions of Australians from vaccine-preventable diseases.ÌýImmunisation not only protects individuals from life-threatening diseases, but also dramatically reduces transmission in the community. The more people who are vaccinated, the fewer opportunities a disease has to spread.

    • The T1DCRN is building a strong research network that brings together world-class researchers, patients, industry and international networks to answer the most critical type 1 diabetes research questions, with a strong focus on patient benefit. The T1DCRN aims to accelerate and increase delivery of clinical research in the short-term, and will build long-term research capacity in Australia.

    • The Environmental Determinants of Islet Autoimmunity (ENDIA)Ìýstudy is researching the causes of Type 1 Diabetes so that we can find ways to prevent it.

      Type 1 Diabetes in children is twice as common as it was 20 years ago. This is because the environment that we live in has changed and this has made it more likely for a child at risk to develop Type 1 Diabetes. If we can understand what factors in the environment are harmful or protective, and how they interact with our genes, we can modify the environment to try and prevent Type 1 Diabetes.

    • ASCIA seeks to advance the science and practice of allergy and clinical immunology, by promoting the highest standard of medical practice, training, education and research, to improve the health and quality of life of people with allergic diseases, immunodeficiencies and other immune diseases.