ARC Laureate and Future Fellows

Australian Laureate Fellowships

The Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme reflects the Australian Government’s commitment to excellence in research by supporting world-class researchers to conduct research in Australia. Recipients are supported with project funding in addition to a salary supplement and salary-related (on-cost) support for 5 years.

Professor Alan Collins


Plate Tectonics, Critical Minerals and our Habitable Earth.Ìý Addressing a grand science quest to understand how our life-nurturing, resource-rich planet came to be.

Professor Derek Abbott


Advancing the Frontiers of Detection: Ultrasensitive Terahertz Sensing.

Prof Shaobin Wang


Developing nonmetal materials and technologies for frontier green catalysis targeted to contaminant degradation and chemical synthesis by catalytic oxidation processes.


Prof Kishan Dholakia


Transforming wide-field optical imaging through a new ‘intelligent’ microscopy able to capture 3D volumetric images.Ìý

Prof Zaiping Guo


Developing a toolkit of new battery design principles to deliver high energy-density batteries with outstanding safety profiles and extended cycle lives, which would revolutionise battery technologies and position Australia as a global leader in the critical transition to a decarbonised economy.

Prof Mathai Varghese


Developing novel techniques to investigate Geometric analysis on infinite dimensional bundles, as well as Geometric analysis of pathological spaces with Cantor set as fibre, that arise in models for the fractional quantum Hall effect and topological matter, areas recognised with the 1998 and 2016 Nobel Prizes.

Prof Shizhang Qiao


Addressing the efficient and sustainable production of fuels and chemicals using abundant sources like water, carbon dioxide and sunlight by an integrated reaction system.

ARC Future Fellowships

The Australian Future Fellowships provide four-year salary and project funding to excellent mid-career researchers to undertake high quality research in areas of national and international benefit.Ìý

Dr Jingrun Ran


Producing new fundamental science for sustainable production of hydrogen and value-added chemicals through a solar-driven photocatalytic approach using abundant plastic wastes and high-performance photocatalysts.

Dr Tatiana Soares da Costa


Investigating novel strategies to mitigate the rise in herbicide resistance threatening Australian agricultural production and exports.

Dr David Baraglia


Introducing and applying new methods and invariants in the field of low-dimensional topology by developing parametrised and equivariant enhancements of Seiberg-Witten theory and Floer homology.

A/Prof Dominic Thewlis


Investigating human joint systems through combining state-of-the-art imaging and high-fidelity biomechanical models.

Dr Jianfeng Mao


Driving key advancements in electrolyte engineering for Li metal batteries with long life and high safety.

A/Prof Jonathan Tyler


Investigating the nature and causes of decadal-scale climate extremes in southern Australia using novel geochemical approaches to reconstruct temperature, rainfall, evaporation and humidity through the last 2000 years.

A/Prof Xiaoguang Duan


Developing a novel family of chemically and structurally controlled redox polymer as metal-free catalysts for wastewater micropollutant treatment.

Associate Professor Alec Zuo


Using innovative techniques to analyse (i) the economic and social impacts of droughts in rural and regional Australia; and (ii) farmers’ drought adaptation responses to carbon-credit market signals.Ìý

Associate Professor Sally May


Using innovative methodologies to create a unique archive of 20th-century rock art and oral history recordings from western Arnhem Land.Ìý

Dr Nigel Rogasch


To understand the neural mechanisms of working memory, a fundamental cognitive function in humans, using a novel framework which combines non-invasive brain stimulation, neuroimaging, pharmacological and experimental manipulations, and biological modelling.

Prof Melissa Nursey-Bray


Identifying the ways in which all knowledge, particularly Western and Indigenous knowledge can work together to inform environmental policy, with a focus on climate change adaptation.Ìý

Dr Scott Boden


Deciphering genes and molecular processes that regulate inflorescence architecture in wheat, using state-of-the-art genetic resources to identify novel biological mechanisms that regulate the development of spikelets – reproductive branches that contain grain-producing florets.Ìý

A/Prof Stijn Glorie

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To reconstruct 250 million years of landscape evolution in response to rifting and break-up of the Gondwana supercontinent, using the innovative approach of combining regional thermochronology with global plate tectonic models.

 A/Prof Yao Zheng


Development of a range of highly active and selective electrode catalysts for a new electrocatalytic refinery (e-refinery) system, by an interdisciplinary approach combining atomic-level material design principles, in situ instrumental techniques, and modern computation methods.

Prof Frank Neumann


Development of high performing bio-inspired algorithms for stochastic problems where the constraints can only be violated with a small probability, leading to more effective and reliable optimisation methods for complex planning processes in areas of national priority such as mining and manufacturing.

Dr Martina Demuro


Unravelling past human responses to climate change, elucidating regional occupation patterns, emergence of complex behaviours, and causes of Neanderthal demise, with benefits for refining our own species deep-time evolutionary trajectory and global expansion across different regions, including Australia.

Dr Camille Mellin


Using novel methodologies rooted in ecological modelling, experimental marine biology and climate forecasting to address the vulnerability of coral reef fisheries in Australia and the Indo-Pacific by identifying fishery targets that benefit human nutrition and will persist despite declining coral habitats and rising water temperature.

A/Prof Luke Bennetts


To develop a mathematical model of swell-induced ice-shelf vibrations in a coupled ocean–shelf 3D framework, focusing on interactions between vibrations and the rift networks that characterise outer shelf margins before disintegration.

Prof Gustavo Carneiro


To investigate new deep learning modelling approaches to leverage real-world large-scale image data sets that contain noisy and incomplete labels and imbalanced class prevalence, and to enable the use of these data sets for modelling deep learning classifiers.Ìý

A/Prof Paul Medwell


Enabling the development of next-generation gas turbine engines.

A/Prof Yan Jiao


Using carbon and nitrogen as energy carriers to develop catalyst materials for green fuels (ammonia, hydrocarbon and alcohol) by operando computation.

Dr Tanya Zivkovic


Critical conversations: An ethnographic study of Australian organ donation - through a comparative cross-cultural analysis to address an urgent need for new culturally sensitive ways of improving organ donation rates in Australia, which are lower in culturally and linguistically diverse groups.Ìý

Dr Emma Sherratt


To uncover the morphological variation that allows rapid adaptive evolution in two invasive species, the rabbit and hare.Ìý

Dr Cameron Shearer


To address the accumulation of pollutants in our environment by developing and optimising materials that utilise light energy to breakdown these persistent chemicals.Ìý

Dr Philip Brewer


Identifying important missing links in the signalling pathways that connect major plant hormones in their control of plant architecture, with a focus on the signalling system that helps plants cope with sub-optimal growing conditions.Ìý

A/Prof Steven Wiederman


From insects to autonomous systems: how brains detect moving objects, predict their future location and ignore distractions.

Prof Mark Hutchinson


Measuring pain in livestock: mechanisms, objective biomarkers and treatments.Ìý