News: news & announcements

Are you contracting for services? Some myths and regulatory truths about your contractor's entitlements.

If you are engaging an individual or a sole trader to perform, present or complete some work for you, there are some common myths about contractual relationships you shouldn’t believe.

[Read more about Are you contracting for services? Some myths and regulatory truths about your contractor's entitlements.]

Contract management – checklist for ending a contract

In most cases, contracts end naturally when the agreed obligations have been performed or the contract reaches its expiry date.

[Read more about Contract management – checklist for ending a contract]

2019: a new year for copyright protection

With the New Year, to the Copyright Act 1968 commenced. As of 1 January 2019, copyright duration has become standardised across all types of works in Australia regardless of whether they were in the public domain or not.

[Read more about 2019: a new year for copyright protection]

Commencement of Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme

The introduces a new registration requirement for anyone acting on behalf of a foreign entity where the intended purpose is to influence political outcomes. The Scheme commences on Monday, 10 December 2018.

[Read more about Commencement of Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme]

ICAC hones in on private email accounts - again

Editor’s Note: SA integrity laws were amended in October 2021, which has changed reporting obligations for Public Officers.

[Read more about ICAC hones in on private email accounts - again]

Solving the legal compliance puzzle – we can help

One of the most challenging aspects of compliance can be figuring out what and how legal obligations apply to your role. You might be familiar with Acts that apply specifically to your disciplinary area or research expertise, but less familiar with the broad range of State or Commonwealth Acts that apply to the whole of the University.

[Read more about Solving the legal compliance puzzle – we can help]

From undue influence to foreign interference - some integrity obligations you should know not to ignore

In the day to day pursuit of University objectives, there are some obligations that may be more difficult to recognise and will require additional vigilance before the right decision can be made. This is because the right decision requires due consideration of broader legal and ethical contexts and awareness of the various (maybe competing) interests of those involved.

[Read more about From undue influence to foreign interference - some integrity obligations you should know not to ignore]

New process for contractor management

Employers have many legal obligations associated with their workers such as Pay As You Go instalments, payroll tax, WorkCover and superannuation payments.  The (Cth) imposes penalties for employers who engage workers as contractors when they are really functioning as employees.

[Read more about New process for contractor management]

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