Dr Cameron Grant

Dr Cameron Grant
 Position Visiting Research Fellow Tue Wed & Thur
 Org Unit School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
 Email cameron.grant@adelaide.edu.au
 Mobile +61 4 0808 8953
 Location Floor/Room 109 ,  Davies Building ,   Waite
  • Research Interests

    I am interested in applying the principles of Soil Physics to improve our understanding of soil water retention, movement脗听and availability to plants. 
    I also have an abiding interest (since postdoctoral days!) in the mechanisms of self-mulching behaviour in clays and clay soils, and whether these can be manipulated to make the properties of cricket pitches more manageable, or at least predictable.
  • Publications

    Selected Papers:脗听脗听
    • Betti G, Grant CD, Murray RS, Churchman GJ (2015) Size of subsoil clods affects soil water availability in sand芒聙聯clay mixtures. Soil Research 53 (IN PRESS).
    • Betti G, Grant CD, Churchman GJ, Murray RS (2015) Increased profile wettability in texture-contrast soils from clay delving: case studies
      in South Australia. Soil Research 53, 125芒聙聯136.
    • Grant CD, Groenevelt PH (2015) Weighting the differential water capacity to account for declining hydraulic conductivity in a drying
      coarse-textured soil. Soil Research 53, 386-391.
    • Azam G, Grant CD, Murray RS, Nuberg IK, Misra RK (2014) Comparison of the penetration of primary and lateral roots of pea and different
      tree seedlings growing in hard soils. Soil Research 52, 87-96.
    • Azam G, Murray RS, Grant CD, Nuberg IK (2014) Tolerance of young seedlings of different tree species and a cereal to poor soil aeration Soil Research 52, 751-759. 
    • Groenevelt PH, Grant CD (2013) Heave and heaving pressure in freezing soils: A unifying theory. Vadose Zone Journal 脗听12, 1539-1663.
    • Azam G, Grant CD, Misra RK, Murray RS, Nuberg IK (2013) Growth of tree roots in hostile soil: A comparison of root growth pressures of tree
      seedlings with peas. Plant & Soil 368, 569-580.
    • Grant CD, Groenevelt PH, Robinson NI 2010. Application of the Groenevelt-Grant soil water retention model to predict the hydraulic conductivity. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 48, 447-458.
    • Groenevelt PH, Grant CD, Murray RS 2004. On water availability in saline soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 42, 833-840.
    • Groenevelt PH, Grant CD 2004. A new model for the soil-water retention curve that solves the problem of residual water contents. European Journal of Soil Science, 55, 479-485.Groenevelt PH, Grant CD, Semetsa S 2001. A new procedure to determine soil water availability. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 39, 577-598.
    Chapters in Books:脗听 
    • Grant CD 2008. 'Soil shrinkage' Chapter 56 in MR Carter and EG Gregorich (Eds) Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, 2nd edn. pp. 727-741. Canadian Society of Soil Science. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
    • Grant CD, Groenevelt PH 2008. 'Air permeability' Chapter 60 in MR Carter and EG Gregorich (Eds) Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, 2nd edn. pp. 803-809. Canadian Society of Soil Science. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 
    • Grant CD, Groenevelt, PH, Bolt, GH 2002. On hydrostatics and matristatics of swelling soils. In PAC Raats, DE Smiles, A Warrick (Eds) 'Environmental mechanics: water, mass, and energy in the Biosphere'. American Geophysical Monograph Series, 129, 95-105. 
    • Grant CD, Coughlan KJ 2002 'Estimation of the self-mulching characteristics of surface soils' Chapter 29 in NJ McKenzie, KJ Coughlan, HP Cresswell (Eds). Soil Physical Measurement & Interpretation for Land Evaluation pp.370-2 Australian Soil & Land Survey Hdbk Series Vol.5. 320p. ISBN 0643067671 CSIRO. 
  • Professional Associations

    • Chairman, CPSS Accreditation Board, 2010-2011.
    • Chairman of Australian Examinations and Procedures Committee (2011-present).
    • Chairman, Program Committee, 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane 1-6 Aug 2010.
    • Convener of 2006 ASSSI National Soils Conference, run jointly with the Australiasian Soil & Plant Analysis Council, and the Australian Clay Minerals 
    • Member, Editorial Board, Soil & Tillage Research, 2004-2009.
    • Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Soil Science,脗听2003-2006. President, Australian Society of Soil Science, 2002-2004. 
    • Member, Australian Society of Soil Science Inc (ASSSI), since 1985.
    • Member, International Soil Tillage Research Organisation (ISTRO) since 1988.
    • Member, International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) since 1986.

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Entry last updated: Saturday, 11 May 2024

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