
Registration for HiTeMP-4, Oct 21-23, 2024, National Wine Centre, Adelaide, is now open.

Registration includes lunch, refreshments, morning and afternoon tea and a cocktail function on Monday October 21.


Early bird registration has been extended to 13 September 2024. Please note, this is the final extension.

Registration Type

Early bird fee in Australian dollars (incl GST)

Full fee in Australian dollars (incl GST)




HILT CRC delegate






HILT CRC student



Gala Dinner, Adelaide Oval



Posters at HiTeMP-4

If you would like to present a poster at HiTeMP-4, you must submit your abstract by 08 July 2024. Further instructions available here.

Exhibitions and Sponsorship

If you would like to exhibit or sponsor HiTeMP-4 more information is available here.